Chapter 3

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Your time is slowing down-

I woke up in an unfamiliar place this time. A cell made of glass? With no privacy. I was laying on the floor and when I looked up, I saw the man with the eyepatch on the outside of it. And as I stood up, my lungs were on fire from all the running earlier, stupid asthma. But, it was getting harder to breathe for me. Yet, I dismissed it.

The eye patch man stepped forward, leaning closer to the glass. I stood in the middle of the cell as I sent him mixed glares as he started his little speech. "I assume you're very hungry, Miss." He stated while he held up a bag of snacks. "And you'll get your food. Right after you answer my questions." He stated as he held a bag of what looked like, chips. "Doesn't this look good?" he teased. I clenched my teeth as I tightened my fists. I walked up to the glass, banging my fist against it, he stayed unfazed.

"Why am I in here? How'd you find me?" I observed him as I had mixed emotions.

"I've been trying to hunt you down for months and now I finally got you." I tried to punch my way through the glass, lighting my whole fist on fire, I attempted. Causing a loud bang to occur yet nothing happened.

"There's no use. Don't waste your powers on this glass," he reminded me but his remark only made me angrier. But I contained myself.

"What do you want from me?" I said through my snarl.

"I want you to answer my questions and you'll get all this in return," he raised the bag into the view. He smirked, having hope that I'll have no choice but to speak as my stomach growled loudly for everyone to hear. Yet I don't give to that easily.

I leaned forward and spoke through gritted teeth.

"I'd rather starve," I said before walking back to the middle, taking a seat and laying down on my side, my back facing them. Hearing him scoff put a smile on my face.

"You'll talk eventually kid, you'll see," he predicted with confidence. I laughed to myself.

He mumbled something but I didn't catch it. His voice was too low for me to hear any clear words. My side started to hurt so I turned and laid on my back instead. I could just feel all their eyes on me so I covered my eyes with my arm, pressing it against them, I finally got to relax.

"Kid, you're on thin ice with me, okay? All I want is answers so that I can help,"

I sat up and got on my knees, needing the desire to speak. Wasn't afraid of getting hurt from it. I'm more powerful than I was back then.

"What do you think I need help with?" I asked sternly, taking him back.

"You seem to be in distress,"

"You are a liar," I stated, standing up. "You're only interested in me because of my powers," He looked at me, eyebrows raised and furrowed. "And I know I'm right! So if you think for one second that I'm gonna let you in and tell you everything about me, you're so wrong. If you ever come close to pushing me to answer your dumbass questions again, I swear, without hesitation, I will roast you from the inside out, no mercy." I raised my voice, flipping his switches.

"If you don't answer my questions, there will be consequences,"

"Well do your fucking worst! I've already been through hell so bring it on you bastard!" The fire quickly ran up my spine and its flames grew bigger as they hit my shoulders. I yelled so loud that it also stunned me the moment it left my mouth.

He flinched back from my sudden holler, I took a deep breath before calming down, the flame getting smaller and smaller until they vanished out of thin air, no damage or burns left behind. The fire in my eyes stayed yet I turned them blue to cold down.

I watched as the eyepatch guy began to walk away, leaving me in darkness as he shut off the lights. I heard the final shut off the big thick door slam. I lit a flame in my palm. Giving me light as it lit up my face, I stared as it hovered over my skin.

Guess I'm stuck in here. Wait, what if I have to pee? He's got to let me out sometime, right? Or does he want me to live here like an animal, walking over its shit? Better not get to that. But my chest, god it hurts, and it feels tight. Eh, I'll help with it, deal with it later. 

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