Chapter 6

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As we hovered over the city, we came closer to the threat. I could see crowds of people running and screaming in panic. Agent Romanoff stopped the shit a few blocks away.

"Alright, you two. It's going time." She said, adjusting some control before talking into her earpiece. "Copy that." She said before turning to us.

"Head to the building. Phoenix, you follow and stay hidden. Fury's orders." She instructed. Steve and I exited the ship and began running towards the commotion.

"What did she mean by staying hidden?" Steve asked. I turned invisible and I watched his eyes go widen, surprised. "Oh," was all he said, making me laugh before we soon entered the chaos.

People passing us from each side, screams of horror filled my ears. But as we started to approach, there he stood, Loki himself with the superweapon in hand. Dressed in God-like armor, he walked along with the people until he yelled, "Kneel!" Everyone obeyed, kneeling before him as he smirked in amusement. "Is not this simpler," he stated. I turned to Steve. "Let's go,"

"We can't, he'll see us approaching. We need to wait."

"I have a better plan," I peered up at him before his arm, turning him invisible too. He looked at me in fright. "Don't worry. Once I let go, you'll turn back. Now, let's go." I pulled him with me, nearing closer to him as the evil God continued his speech.

"The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled." He showed his disturbing smile. "In the end, you will always kneel."

That was when a man stood up, interrupting the God. "Not to men like you," The man spoke, standing with pride. Loki smiled as he chuckled at him. "There are no men like me."

The man spoke like a true king. "There are always men like you," Loki smirked, even more, making me cringe at the sight before me. "Look to your elder, people." He said, aiming his weapon at the man. "Let him be an example." Before I could react, Steve left my grasp and ran to the man, protecting him with his shield, the weapon's force was blocked by it. Now fully seen by people, he lowered his shield. The power from the weapon had hit Loki in his protected chest, causing him to lose balance and fall. He groaned as he looked ahead to face Steve as he began to approach him nice and slowly.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany, and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing," Steve said. Everyone watched as Loki peered up with a sinister-looking smirk. "The soldier," Loki stated and laughed. "A man out of time."

Steve stood strong. "I'm not the one who's out of time." He stated right as Agent Romanoff's ship flew in above and behind us. Her voice on the speaker. "Loki, drop the weapon and stand down." She ordered.

The ship's weapons were out and ready to fire. But Loki didn't like that, firing his weapon, he misses the ship as Steve takes action. Throwing his shield and hitting Loki, he soon punches him to the face as the people flee.

I rushed into the fight, hitting Loki in surprise, he looked back to not see anything. Steve hits him again as Loki's caught off guard. I hit him from the side, grunting to myself. Loki then whips his weapon around, and aims it, hitting me this time instead of Steve, causing me to fly back and land on my side.

I expected to be dead as the blue source of light had hit me right in the chest, yet I didn't feel anything. Not a single sign of blood on me, I groan, quickly getting up and returning to the both of them. I see Steve on the ground as Loki says, kneeling to him.

Sprinting to them, I tackle Loki, hitting him in the side once more, bringing him down with me, he grunts. He grabs me and punches my face. I groan loudly as I could taste blood in my mouth. I could feel my self-control wearing off as I kept taking his punches. He finally threw me aside to battle with Steve.

My invisibility shut down, making me go visual now. My face was aching as I stood up only to see Steve on the ground in defeat with Loki approaching. The fire grew up my spine and onto my shoulders. My flames in my palm, ready to fire yet before I could attack, someone already beat me to it.

Another source of power had hit Loki, causing him to fly back as someone had landed next to Steve as he stood up. A man, I'm assuming, wearing a metal suit, stood steady as he was armed and ready.

"Make a move, Reindeer games." The man said as Steve joined his side shortly after. We all watched as Loki's armor faded away, raising his hand in defeat, he surrendered. "Good move."

Steve leaned a bit to the side, still trying to steady his breath. "Mr. Stark," he said.

"Captain." The metal man responded. I walked over to Steve while whipping my lip on my sleeve. I eyed the metal man before heading back to the ship. 

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