Author's note

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Bree Phoenix

[Written in 42 days]

When I first started writing this I had no idea as to where the story was going. I didn't have a plan, I didn't know what movie I was writing about. And I never would have guessed that it would end with endgame. My original idea was to make two stories. One called 'Bree Phoenix' the other 'The Return of Bree Phoenix'. Yet I noticed that each book only had 12 chapters and so that's what I thought why not just put all of them together into one and call the whole thing Bree Phoenix. Because it's mainly just about her and how she becomes this unknown lost hero as she deals with her past conflicts.

A story about a girl who was once a nobody but turned out to be a legend.

I knew I couldn't go off the original storyline of Tony Stark dying. I had to change something about it. So I made the main character die.

I never knew I was going to cry while writing the death scene because of all my experience in writing, all the stories I've written over the years, I've never written a death scene as emotional as this one. For the first time, I cried while writing this. And when I finished it, I felt like a piece of my heart was feeding away.

Because Bree Phoenix, the main character, I grew an attachment to her, and writing about her life being taken away from her at such a young age, made my heartbreak as cheesy as that sounds.

Tell me I'm not the only one who imagines themself as the main characters in every story they write. Throughout the story, I thought of myself as being Bree and when I wrote the death scene of her death in Tony's arms, I thought about my death in the future.

I thought about what if I died young just like Bree.

I can't be the only one who pictures themselves in the story that they write.

When I began to write this I never thought I would finish it in a month and a half. 42 days, it took. It felt surreal to me because most of the time finishing a book takes me longer than a year. But I guess since this was fan fiction and I was going off of a storyline that's already been written then it was kind of easier and it went faster.

But I enjoyed every second of it.
I remembered that I got my start of writing by writing fanfiction and forgot how fun it really is.

I want to thank every single person who's written an Avengers fanfiction because you guys inspired me to write my own and I appreciate it. All the marvel fanfic writers out there, I adore you, I love you all for your hard work and dedication to your creations.

I'm also in the process of writing a Spider-Man: Homecoming fanfiction so if you liked this story's writing style you'll love my upcoming story. And I'll be announcing the release date soon. 

I have new stories coming out in the future. Maybe even a series, who knows.

But until then, you can check out my other four books, 2 complete, 2 ongoing.

But until then, you can check out my other four books, 2 complete, 2 ongoing

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Shameless plug

I hope you all enjoyed Bree Phoenix.

Until next time.

-Jea <3

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