Chapter 32

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The team had decided to let Bruce use the gauntlet. He had to calm Tony down and tell him to not wait for Bree to get back. They couldn't waste time so they had to start.

"Good to go, yeah?" Tony asked him as he held it in his hands.

"Let's do it," Bruce said and they all suit up.

"Okay, remember," Tony explained. "Everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago, you're just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last five years,"

Bruce had nodded. "Got it,"

With everyone standing around him, they all were prepared. Tony, transforming into his suit, activated a shield. "Friday, do me a favor and activate Barn Door Protocol, will ya?" Tony commanded.

"Yes, boss," The A.I. Friday said.

Bruce got ready before putting it on. "Everybody comes home," he mumbled as the glove fitted into and around his hand perfectly.

Bruce instantly groaned loudly as the stones began to power up. The sharp stabbing pain ran up his arm as he tried to control it.

"Take it off! Take it off!" Thor kept yelling but Bruce kept his balance, clenching his teeth, he fought through the pain.

Steve put his hand out. "No, wait. Bruce, are you okay?"

Bruce continues groaning.

"Talk to me, Banner," Tony said.

He grunted. "I'm okay," Panting heavily. "I'm okay," and he then gained enough strength to snap his fingers.

Bruce had collapsed onto the floor as the gauntlet slid right off his hand.

"Bruce!" Steve came to his side as did everyone else. "Don't move him,"

Clint kicked away the glove.

The doors had opened, activating lockdown mode to shut off.

Bruce's voice sounded raspy. "Did it work?" He asked.

"We're not sure. It's okay," Thor comforted him.

As most of the doors had opened back up, Scott walked out to see birds flying by from the window, causing his eyes to light up.

Then the sound of a cell phone vibrating. Clint hesitantly walked up to it to see his wife's caller ID. He couldn't believe it at first but he quicked it up and heard her voice.

Scott whispered, "Guys," hearing the birds chirping. "I think it worked," he smiled.



I was coming close to the building, but my heart had stopped when I saw a ship hovering over it. They must've done it. It worked. And that's when I knew, the battle was about to begin shortly.

I raised my hand, tapping in. "Tony, it's Bree, do you copy?"

It took seconds for him to respond. "Bree, where the hell have you been-?"

"Out. Tony, where are you right now in the building?"

"Lab, why?"

I huffed, looking up at the ship as I flew by. Seeing it preparing to fire, I locked in my jaw.

"Take cover, now,"

The ship fired multiple times at the building, causing the whole thing to collapse. I didn't freak out over it because I've seen this before, I knew they all would survive the explosion.

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