Fangorn: Part 1

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The air was thick and crisp. The trees were old. The ground was plush with greenery. Fangorn Forest had been around for longer than any man alive could tell, but it changed ever beautifully over the last few years. The forest, neither dark nor light, bloomed after the destruction of the one ring. Once middle earth was shrouded in a dark cloak of despair. And now, each flower and each tree bloomed with life once again. Even the Mirkwood bloomed ever so slightly again; and Fangorn was no exception. 

It was summer and the sky was forever cast in a beautiful pastel hue. The summer air buzzed with life from insects and birds. A perfect time for an exciting journey. 

"Come on Gimli! Nearly there!" Legolas shouted to his friend who trudged behind him in the tall grasses before Fangorn Forest. 

"You bound through these lands as if you do not need any rest! You forget we dwarves are only swift in short distances! This is unfair!" Gimli grumbled attempting to catch up to his fast footed elvish friend. 

The trees of Fangorn came into their sight and Gimli slowly arrived next to a tall and silent Legolas looking up at the tall trees with wonder in his eyes. 

"I have yet to explore such a place without fear of Sauron's eye." Legolas said not moving his sight from the trees.

"A pleasant adventure it will be then. I do hope we will come upon some accommodations. I was told by my dear cousins in the north Fangorn has become lovely the spot after the great war. Many people venture here for solace and reflection." Gimli said turning his eyes to the tall trees as well. 

"Lovely a spot to visit with a friend." 

"A friend indeed." Gimli and Legolas smiled at one another. Their unlikely friendship blossomed throughout the years. Their first stop on their journey across Arda and a wondrous first stop it was. 

The two friends began their decent into Fangorn admiring all the beautiful sights it had to behold. The colorful flowers, the tall trees which whispered softly to one another, and the occasional passerby which wasn't uncommon now that the Ents were accustomed to more visitors after the war. 

"Master Dwarf, Master Elf. Welcome... to... my home." A low and slow voice sounded behind Legolas and Gimli as they took a rest by a small stream. 

"Treebeard! Ha ha!" Gimli said clapping his hands and growing excited to see his friend. 

"Hello my friend." Legolas said with a soft smile. 

"You have... come... to visit. Been a... long... time." Treebeard said from high above the two friends. 

"Indeed it has. This place has become very popular." Gimli said looking around seeing they were in a popular spot for adventurers and travelers. A few elves gathering stream water opposite them smiled as Legolas made eye contact. His royal heritage known throughout middle earth. A few men with swords cleaning their weapons perched upon a gathering of rocks. It was indeed odd to see such busy sights in Fangorn. But times had changed... for the better. 

"Too many... visitors... but I... do not...mind." Treebeard said with a small smile. The giant beyond belief of an Ent turned slowly then and made his way towards a soft rustling in the trees. The rustling showing itself to be another Ent beckoning Treebeards attention. 

"I need rest pointy ears. Where shall we lay our pretty heads tonight!?" Gimli asked filling his canteen with water from the fresh water stream. 

"There is a small tavern not far from here. With the Ent's permission the local town just outside the forest built it in hope for travelers to come through the forest. Bring in extra coin!" A young man spoke up who was strolling towards Legolas and Gimli. "I am headed there myself. I can lead you there." The young man could not be more than seventeen years of age. He had messy brown hair and strikingly golden eyes. 

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