Until Our Last Breath: Part 12

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"The stars shine almost as bright as your eyes." Legolas says placing his hands around Veya's waist and resting his head on her right shoulder. Veya removed her sight from the stars above their heads and looked down to her hands placing themselves on top of Legolas'. 

"Almost?" Veya asked softly. 


The night was dark and not a sound was heard in the distance. Legolas and Veya stood atop the towers of Minas Tirith looking beyond it's walls to catch a moment of movement in the black night. They saw nothing. 

"Have all our allies arrived?" Veya asked not moving from her Promised's hold.

"The Queen of Belegaer lingers in the Bay of Belfalas. She will aid when needed. The others have arrived as well. These foe have been bested once before, they will lose again." Legolas replied. 

"And if they do not lose?" Veya turned around in Legolas' grasp and looking into her crystal eyes. "What will we do? Where will we go? The time of the elves is dimming. I can feel it. What if this is how it ends? What if this is the end?" Veya's words rang in Legolas' ears. He looked deeper into her eyes to find some glimmer of hope, but he only saw fear. An emotion not typical for Veya. A feeling of true terror. Legolas furrowed his brow and thought for a moment. Confusion plagued his mind. 

"I do not have an answer for you. For I do not know what we would do. I..." Legolas' words fell and a tear fell from his left eye as he held Veya's body deathly close to him. 

"We fight. Until our last breath we fight! They will not win. They must not win! Fight with me! Until our last breath, fight with me." Aragorn joined Legolas and Veya where they stood. He held his sword in his hand and twisted it with his hand. His rings slightly hitting the handle as he swung it lightly. He looked up at his two friends and smiled. "This war will end in blood. Which blood do you wish spilled this night? Yours? Or theirs?" Aragorn asked placing his sword in it's sheath then placing each of his hands of one of their shoulders. "Do not fear the end. For we still have tonight." The three friends looked to eachother and nodded their heads. If this was to be their last night together, then they would fight for it. They would put all their strength and courage into it. 

A few hours later the sun began to slightly rise. A purple hue encased the sky as warriors of all races came together as a stronghold against the Dark Elves. Elves, Dwarves, and humans of all different cultures and faiths brought together for one purpose. A purpose of survival. To defeat a greater threat than their differences. 

Arwen made her way to the front line of battle with Veya at her side. They both wore battle armor. Steel and metal made to withstand the hardest of blows. Arwen's clad with a tree marking on her breast plate, matching with Aragorn. She unsheathed her sword and stood next to her husband. Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli stood beside Veya and Arwen and prepared their weapons. 

"Come on you slow beasties! Come to my axe!" Gimli shouted lifting his axe in the air. Arwen's expression grew cold and she stumbled slightly. Aragorn grabbed her arm to steady her. When she came back to her senses she looked into Aragorn's eyes. 

"They are here." Arwen said. Veya looked into the sky as the purple hues faded for yellow. In the distance dark clouds approached. Bringing thunder and massive strikes of lightening causing puffs of smoke to lift from the ground. Veya turned to Legolas and gripped his hand in hers. 

"Until our last breath." Veya said. The five friends gripped hands and took a deep breath in. Hopefully this would not be the last. 

The sky grew darker and pale skinned creatures who resembled elves with dark hair and silver eyes emerged from the cloud covered city. They descended from all directions. Cloaked in black and silver chains hung from their necks. They held no weapons. Suddenly one of the dark creatures dropped itself in front of Aragorn and Arwen out of nowhere. It paced slightly then held a hand into the air. White sparks emitted from it's long pale fingers. A smile grew on it's face as the sparks disappeared. 

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