Thranduil: Part 16

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King Thranduil lay in his bed. His royal robes now gone, replaced by a sheer white sleeping gown. His crown now lay on it's golden perch near his bed rather than upon his head. The king of the Woodland Realm lay still and silent. Sleeping deeply as if the world around him did not move. As if time itself had stopped and nothing existed except a shallow breath escaping his lips occasionally. Would this be the end of the almighty King Thranduil, destroyer of ancient armies and defender of all elven creatures? 

Legolas sat in a plush chair lined in golden threads next to his father. His head resting in his hands at the edge of the bed. Sleeping soundly next to his father and undisturbed by Veya who sat at the king's desk reading a book of Sylvan poetry. It had been three days sense Thranduil slipped into his comatose state. And each day Legolas stayed by his father's side. And each day Veya stayed by Legolas' side. Veya would read or draw while staying silent observing her Promised and his father. She only left their sides when going to get Legolas a change of clothing or a meal. He often refused the meals but would allow Veya to help him bathe and redress. 

Seeing Legolas this way was hard for Veya. He rarely showed his emotions and never expressed them towards Thranduil. Legolas prided himself in being a symbol of poise and stability. Being so vulnerable and broken was something he never intended to show, even to Veya. 

Veya looked up from her book when she realized Legolas was staring at her from his father's side. A small smile splayed upon his face. And for the first time in three days Legolas had a hint of his old self back in his eyes. 

"Hmm?" Veya hummed closing her book and returning Legolas' smile. 

"I owe you my gratitude." Legolas said softly. Veya stood and placed her book on the king's desk behind her. She strode over slowly to her Promised and knelt down to his level. She placed her hand on the side of his face and leaned in to give him a small kiss. When she pulled away from the kiss she found those same blue eyes she fell in love with looking at her with blissful love. 

"Whatever for my love?" Veya asked. 

"You have not left my side. I could not do this life without you. I could not breath this air without you. You have taken care of me for three sunrises. I am not one to need such support. I thank you, with all that I am." Legolas said with tears in his eyes. Veya's gaze softened even more than it was. She had never experienced this side of Legolas. She was taken aback. Instead of thinking too much on it Veya simply embraced him. And before she could pull away Legolas wrapped his arms around Veya and soft sobs began to escape his chest. He pulled Veya into his lap and held her closer to his body. Veya held him with her head resting on his shoulder. She held him for hours as he wept. 

Legolas father was never the type to show affection towards his son. He never praised him when he did well. He never held him when he cried. And he certainly didn't express his love for him. Legolas always knew the reason behind his father's distant behavior was due to his upbringing and his wife's death. And although Legolas never held his father's shortcomings as a father against him he still wished that he would someday come around. And now, seeing his father near death made him feel as though he would never have the chance at redemption. 

A knock came to the door and Legolas lifted his head from his embrace with Veya. He looked to Veya with pleading eyes. Veya whispered in his ear "I'll be right back." She stood and walked to the door. When she opened it Cintra stood in the door way. His yellow robes hung around his body and his face was full of sorrow. He had known King Thranduil for many years and this was also heartbreaking for the elf. Veya looked into Cintra's eyes as tears spilled from her own. Cintra stepped closer and placed a gently hand on her heart. Veya stepped aside and he made his way over to Thranduil. Legolas stood up and bowed slightly to Cintra. 

"Cintra. Thank you for coming." Legolas said. 

"We elves do not grow ill. This is both a surprise and saddening event for all who follow Eru. I wish to bring insight to this predicament." Cintra said. He then gestured to Thranduil. "If I may?" He asked. 

"Of course." Legolas said stepping aside to stand next to Veya who hung back to give the two ellon's some space. 

Cintra stepped closer to Thranduil and knelt down. He placed a hand on the king's forehead and closed his eyes. A few long moments passed before Cintra opened his eyes. He brushed his hand over Thranduil's forehead then turned his attention to Legolas and Veya who were patiently waiting. "Your father's mind does not lie. Ukar did indeed bewitch him all those years ago. A curse. One in which would render him forever in a state of distressed sleep until he eventually passed before our eyes into darkness. The Grey Havens becoming a distant dream." Cintra said. 

"Can we do anything?" Veya asked intertwining her fingers with Legolas'. 

"Ukar was a very powerful wielder of dark magic. His magic cursed the king and only his magic alone can lift the curse." Cintra replied. 

"Was?" Veya said. 

"He was defeated after the Battle of Sinor. Thranduil's father's armies destoyed his home long ago. And they killed him shortly after he bewitched the king. His magic only lingers within Thranduil himself." Cintra said. 

"Why would Ukar curse Thranduil? What did he do?" Veya asked Cintra. 

"Eryl Galen once ruled over Sinor, Ukar's birth place. The most southern land of Arda. It's heat radiated throughout Middle Earth and it supplied the Woodland Realm with most of it's rarest of jewels. Thranduil's father, Oropher, became obsessed with the rare gems of Sinor. So obsessed that he waged war upon it's people to gain full access to the mines. The war was savage and took many lives. Ukar's family was killed. His people were powerful and yet they believed in peacefulness. When Oropher ordered his soldiers to murder any Sinorian who stood in the way of obtaining those jewels Ukar grew mad. His family dead. He turned to dark magic and he changed. No longer an elven sorcerer who worked in the mines of his homeland. His magic grew dark and his appearance even darker. He trained himself in the art of dark curses and laid one upon Thranduil for revenge against Oropher. A curse that would allow him to live out his days until the time he wished to sail to the Grey Havens. And when that time came, he would fall ill." Cintra's words rang in Legolas' ears. And a realization came into his mind. 

"He wished to leave for Valinor." Legolas said. Cintra nodded. Veya squeezed Legolas' hand. 

"Your father. He... he misses your mother. You are of age to take his place as king. He was ready to journey into the west to be with your mother once more." Cintra replied. 

"There has to be a way to revive him." Veya said. Cintra thought for a moment. Ukar's magic was the only way in which to revive Thranduil from his sleep. And Ukar was dead. Destroyed after he cursed Thranduil. 

Cintra thought to himself for a moment. He placed his hands together and thought deeply once more. A moment later he lifted his gaze to the two Promised elves and nodded his head. He began to hastily make his way towards the door when Veya grabbed his arm. A pleading look in her eyes. 

"There is no way to revive your father Legolas. But there may be a way to regain his passage to Valinar. I must go. I need to speak with someone regarding this matter." Cintra looked to Legolas whose gaze grew with further concern. "Have hope young Thranduilion." And then he was gone. 

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