Stories: Part 14

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Weeks had passed after the war with the dark elves and Veya and Legolas thoroughly enjoyed their time spent in Gondor with Aragorn and Arwen. They spent their days helping clear the wreckage, or tending to the wounded, or enjoying the company of their friends. They spoke of where they would journey next. Whether it be Imladris or Eryn Galen or even venture back to Fangorn Forest. But before they could decide on whether they would leave Veya's home in Gondor to another land Legolas received a letter from his father Thranduil. 

"My father wishes for me to return home. He does not say as to why." Legolas spoke handing the letter from the king of the Greenwood to Veya. Veya took the letter in her hands, admiring Thranduil's elegant hand writing. Each word written sculpted to perfection. As if each stroke was thought about carefully. Veya read through the parchment carefully and paused at the last sentence upon the page. "Send my love to your Promised." It said. Veya smiled softly at the words. Her fears about Legolas' father's wavering acceptance faded away. "He would not ask me to return if it was not of importance. My father knows I wish to travel the lands of Arda as a free elf. My duties in the kingdom are often not needed so often." Legolas continued taking a seat on a bench next to the grand tree at the palace of Minas Tirith. It bloomed ever brightly. Veya gazed upon the tall tree and held onto it's beauty. 

"Then we shall travel to your fathers kingdom." Veya said still gazing up on the tree. Veya sat next to Legolas and moved her hair behind her slightly pointed ears. Legolas reached up and grazed the small point of Veya's right ear with his finger tips. She turned her head to him and looked into his eyes. 

"Is it difficult to be half-elven?" Legolas asked. 

"How do you mean?" Veya asked. Legolas caressed her small pointed ear with his hand and thought for a moment.

"All my life I have been sought to be a perfect beacon of royalty and purity. I was taught only the purest of blood can be welcomed into the land of the west. To sail is to have great privilege in this world."

"Do you believe I need to be pure elven to be accepted into the Halls of Mandos?" Veya asked hesitantly. She was honestly surprised Legolas has brought up her half-elven heritage. She never thought it brought him any questions or discomfort. This worried her now slightly. 

"No I do not. Had any being ever made you feel that way? Was it hard growing in a world that only accepts those who are pure of blood?" Legolas asked removing his hand from Veya's ear and resting it on her knee. Veya smiled lightly then placed her hand upon his. 

"I have traveled many seas and many lands. And most creatures upon this world do not care what blood I hold in my veins. Some do show distain. I have learned to push past it. For the only thought about this that I care about is of my family's. Yours included. If Thranduil, pure blood of the Woodland Realm can accept me into his heart... then all of Arda shall." Veya moved closer to Legolas. "I am not afraid of those who attest my significance on this planet. For I am who I am meant to be. Do not worry for my sanity. For it is protected by those who care for me. And that includes you." Veya leaned in and kissed Legolas. She had no inkling that he had these worries for her. That he worried for what it was like to grow up as a half-blood. He had grown up with privilege and expectation. He only wanted to better understand her life so he could protect her. But hearing her words of positivity and strength settled his nerves. And he welcomed her affection. 

"We shall leave for my home in the morn. We should tell Gimli." Legolas said standing and holding out his hand for Veya to take. She gladly took it and nodded her head. 

The two Promised walked the halls of the Gondorian palace in search of their red bearded friend. They soon found him in the throne room chatting with Aragorn about Erebor. Telling stories of the mighty Dwarves who fought against the evil that threatened to once again destroy their home. 

"My friends!" Aragorn said spotting Legolas and Veya enter the throne room. 

"I have received word from my father. He wishes Veya and I return to Eryn Galen." Legolas said. Aragorn nodded, slightly saddened to hear the news of his friends eventual departure. Gimli walked over to Veya and Legolas with a sad expression. 

"I am afraid laddies I have news as well. I must go to Erebor to visit my cousins. They have plans to help the Mines of Moria prosper and they are in need of assistance. For this may be our departing for now." Gimli said stroking his beard. Veya leaned down and hugged Gimli. 

"When do you leave dear friend?" Veya asked Gimli. 

"Morning light my lady. Our generous king here has loaned me a steed just my size. Ha ha! I will surely miss you all. But we will meet again. And when do you two depart?" Gimli asked looking to Legolas. 

"Morning as well." Legolas said. Aragorn stood from his throne and walked over to his friends. He placed a hand on Legolas' shoulder and smiled. 

"Then we shall make tonight a night to remember. Until we meet again." Aragorn said. The four friends smiled widely and agreed. 

A few hours later Legolas, Veya, Gimli, Arwen, and Aragorn met at the signature tree of Minas Tirith. A cart of ales and wines and different selections of foods near them as they sat on the benches and enjoyed their last night together before their departures. The sunset shone purples and pinks and deep blues across the sky and the friends laughed and talked. Everyone told Veya of the great stories of the One Ring and the journey to Mordor. Veya was entranced by the stories. Her eyes widened in shock hearing of the magical water horses Arwen summoned to help protect Frodo. Her ears perked listening to the army of the dead being commanded by the King of Gondor. Her laugh radiated hearing Gimli tell the story of being literally tossed into the line of fighting at the Battle of Helms Deep. And her heart soared listening to how Legolas returned Arwens evanstar to Aragorn. 

"Veya! You must have a story of your own to tell. One of valor and excitement!" Gimli shouted taking a large gulp of his ale. It dribbled down his beard and he coughed a bit. Veya laughed lightly then thought for a moment. Tapping her chin lightly. 

"When I was just a young girl I was traveling through the thick forests near Rohan with my parents. A small hoard of Orcs roamed into our path. I remember my mother telling me to stay upon my steed as they fought mightily against the small hoard. We had two guards with us. And my brother Yanu was with us as well. We didn't see the Orc behind us. We were entranced by our parent's bravery and ability to fight. He had been trained in combat sense childhood but never actually engaged in battle. We were afraid." Veya took a deep breath. Her fiends were deeply engaged with her story. "The Orcs grabbed onto Yanu's cloak and yanked him off of his horse. He fell to the ground and screamed. I jumped off of my steed and unsheathed my sword. The Orc attempted to drag Yanu away from me but I caught up to them. Yanu pulled free from it's grasp and I stabbed it in it's abdomen. And that was the first time I killed. I was terrified. But I saved my brothers life. And I will always remember that moment. The moment I realized I was blessed by Eru to protect those who I hold dear. And I shall do so with my last dying breath." Veya said with tears in her eyes. 

Legolas brought Veya close to his chest and held her. The memory of her fallen brother bringing tears to her eyes. 

"I am sorry. We were enjoying the evening. I did not mean to get so... emotional." Veya said wiping her wet tear covered cheeks. 

"No worries laddie! We asked for a story. And a beautiful one was told. One of courage and might! Your brother shall be proud!" Gimli said. "To Veya! Warrior of Gondor!" Gimli said. 

"To Veya!" The group cheered. Veya smiled at her friends and rested deeper into Legolas' arms. 

Her journey to healing had truly begun. 

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