Eryn Galen: Part 5

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A few days had passed since Veya and Gimli looked into Galadriel's mirror. Legolas was deeply troubled by the fact that both Veya and Gimli saw his mother in their visions. Why had they seen her but he did not? The reason unknown, he avoided Veya for a while. Trying to sort out what to do next regarding the impending war. Gimli tried to get Veya and Legolas to speak to each other but he failed. Soon their time was coming to an end in Lorien and they were to travel to their next stop on their journey... Eryn Galen. Legolas knew they would have to travel through Dol Goldur in order to make it to Mirkwood. And after all these revelations about his mother, he knew the trip would be painful. But he needed to see his father. And he promised Gimli a pint of elvish ale. 

The morning sun had lifted in to the sky and the three travelers were packed and ready to continue their journey. Their adventure had turned from one of spontaneous delight to one of discovery and burden of a looming war. 

"It is only a few days ride to the Woodland Realm. Be safe my friends. I hope these horses will aid you in your journey." Cintra spoke while helping Gimli onto a slightly smaller horse than that of Veya and Legolas'. 

"A generous gift Cintra. How can we repay you?" Legolas asked his friend as he adjusted himself on his white steed. Veya on an all black mare stroking it's hair with her delicate fingers. Cintra looked to Veya as she did so and he smiled. 

"Save this world. As Promised." Cintra said with a smile then turned to Legolas who was still deeply conflicted emotionally. Legolas nodded then the three started their journey to Mirkwood. 

"Two days ride. Feels like eight!" Gimli said loudly attempting to take a drink from his canteen as he rode his small horse. 

"Just about there my friend. Only a little longer." Legolas replied. The air thickened and the skies seemed darker as the trio approached Dol Goldur. 

"Legolas?" Veya asked her Promised as their horses stopped before Dol Goldur. 

"My mother died here." Legolas said.

"Then let us honor her by safely arriving at your father's kingdom." Gimli said smiling up at his friend. Legolas places a hand on Gimli's shoulder then the three slowly traveled through the ruins of a dead evil kingdom. 

The stone walls of the fallen dark palace were shrouded with weeds and decay. Although long abandoned, the area still reeked of evil. They traveled under the dark skies for what felt like days, but was only a few hours. They could see the edge of a dark forest before them. The light at the end of a very dim tunnel. 

Legolas galloped ahead and stopped at the entrance of his childhood realm. "Come." He said turning his head towards Veya and Gimli. The three hopped off their horses and walked them into the wood. 

"It is darker again. The air thicker than it once was." Legolas said looking around. "Stay close. Your mind will be disturbed if not used to these lands such as I." 

"Keep your wits about you lads!" Gimli said holding his axe close to his body. Veya seemed unbothered by the trickery of the Mirkwood forest. She simply walked ahead with her horse gracefully. Soon a large waterfall appeared before them. Legolas took a deep breath in and closed his eyes. 

"Leave the horses here. Someone will be by to tend to them." Legolas said.

"I don't see anyone." Gimli replied looking around.

"You will. This way." Legolas said guiding his friends over a ridge by the waterfall. Two armed elves appeared with their bows drawn. "Stand down Luvelle, Tyin." Legolas said commandingly. Veya looked to Gimli with wide eyes. Gimli just shrugged his shoulders. 

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