Royalty : Part 20

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"Your Majesty, your new room accommodations have been settled. Shall I show you to them?" A young servant spoke softly entering the throne room while Legolas and Veya stood talking with their event planner. 

"No, thank you Piah. We will see them this evening." Legolas said gratefully to the small elleth. The elleth bowed her head and left swiftly. Legolas turned his attention back to Veya and their event planner Reign. Veya had a smirk on her face. "Yes?" Legolas asked questioningly. 

"You address the servants and guards with such regality. It's becoming." Veya said. Legolas laughed at her admiration of his kingliness and placed a soft kiss upon her cheek. 

"You will be bound before Eru upon the royal coronation. The coronation will be held in two weeks time. This will allow the crown enough time to prepare and enough time for guests to arrive. Invitations have been sent out for both your coronation and wedding. Prince Legolas you shall remain with the title of regent until such time. And Veya shall be given royal privileges until she is crowned queen." Reign had her eyes trained on a small leather bound book in her hands. She began reading something on it's pages before snapping the book shut and turning her gaze to the future king and queen of the Woodland Realm. 

"Will the wedding be before or after our coronation?" Veya asked. The way the elves of Eryn Galen did things was very different from Gondor or Imladris. It all seemed very rushed to her. 

"Same day." Reign stated. Veya's eyes widened. She would become a wife and a queen upon the same day. And only two weeks to prepare. Veya wasn't one for extravagant things, even though she was surrounded by it. Her brother on the other hand enjoyed jewels and fancy parties. But that wasn't Veya. She enjoyed the simple things in a life. A good book, freshly brewed tea, the smell of a new rain fall. Things that would bring her comfort in her times of mourning or trouble. 

"I... two weeks. That's so soon." Veya admitted. 

"If you need more time my love-" Legolas began but Reign cut him off. 

"Nonsense! I have been organizing royal events for this kingdom for centuries and I will not adjust for someone who does not appreciate them. The wedding AND coronation will occur in two weeks time. I have set up meetings for both of you to attend in order to gather MINIMAL input for the proceeding events. Unless scheduled allow me to handle the rest. I must be off. I shall find you again when you are needed." Reign bowed her head to both Legolas and Veya and fled the room mumbling to herself. 

"Shes... interesting." Veya said. 

"She's been handling my families royal festivities sense before I was born. But she can be a bit old fashioned. If you wish to wait longer before we join I understand." Legolas said. 

"No I do not wish to wait. I am just a bit overwhelmed. Although I am accustomed to such events I didn't think I would ever be the center of one. Let alone a coronation. I only wish to be by your side. Do not fret." Veya replied with a soft smile. She was genuinely excited to wed her Promised and honestly excited to become queen as well. She just needed some advice on how to navigate it all. Advice from someone who understand what it was like to be a queen and a wife. Someone who she could confide in. Someone like Arwen. 

That evening Veya and Legolas sat in the feasting hall and musicians played tunes from all corners of the Woodland Realm. They sat upon an elevated table in the center of the room while servants poured them various wines and placed different dishes infront of them. They laughed together as they watched people dance and drink. Most of the elves drunk already from the strong elven ales and wines. Legolas rarely drank. He saw it as a distraction. But tonight he had decided to celebrate. It was a feast to celebrate the life of Thranduil. To honor his life and remember each moment of glory and prosperity he brought to his kingdom. A feast of joyfulness instead of sorrow. For there would be no funeral, for Thranduil was alive and well living with his queen in the west. Or so Legolas and Veya hoped. 

"TO THE KING!" A tall ellon with strawberry blonde hair stood up from his seat and lifted his massive mug of ale into the air and shouted. 

"TO THE KING!" The crowd in the feasting hall all replied in unison. 

Legolas smiled to himself. He knew they meant his father. But a small piece of him hoped they meant him as well. Losing his father was a dull ache in his chest and that he felt each sunrise and each sunset that passed. And although he never wanted to rule over the Greenwood he now had a sense of pride in ruling over it. For he had Veya at his side. Someone to share in the burden. 

"Dance with me my queen." Legolas said standing up and holding a hand out to Veya. Veya stood and took his hand. 

"I am not a graceful dancer your majesty." Veya said as Legolas lead her to the dance floor. 

"This, I know." Legolas said with a wink. Veya scoffed. 

As the two elven royals twirled around the dance floor they nearly forgot about the world around them. Their gaze never leaving eachother's eyes and their hands intertwined with one another. Veya would occasionally stumble over her own feet but Legolas would correct her. Just as Veya was about to drag Legolas off the dance floor she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned around and a stunned expression spread across her face. Staring at her with a wide smile and sparkling eyes was Arwen. 

"Cousin!" Veya yelped and pulled Arwen into her arms. The two women laughed and embraced for several moments. "How are you here so soon!? The invitations were just sent!" Veya asked excitedly. 

"Your beloved sent for me when Thranduil fell ill. I would have come sooner but Aragorn needed to handle some business before we departed. But we are here now." Arwen spoke with joy in her words. Arwen pointed to behind Veya and saw Aragorn had stolen Legolas away and they were headed back to the dining table. 

"Thank you for coming. I really need your counsel." Veya said linking her arm with Arwens and leading her to their men. 

"Every queen needs a shoulder to lean on. I shall be yours. For you have been mine." Arwen said. 

The two women found their kings and began to enjoy the rest of the feast in Thranduil's honor. This would be the beginning of a marvelous journey.  

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