A New Dawn: Part 21

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"A new dawn is upon us. Friends, family, dignitaries. Welcome to a celebration of exponential proportions. The joining of these two elven houses will bring about significant change among the realms. And add prosperity to many others. I am thankful to have been chosen to officiate their union. To the fated couple!" Aragorn spoke as he lifted his glass of wine into the air. A crowd of men, elves, and dwarves surrounded the King of Gondor as he stood next to his queen and Veya alongside Legolas. 

"To the fated!" The crowed cheered and Legolas and Veya shared a small kiss. The crowed went wild. It was uncommon for eleven folk to be so boast with emotion but knowing their realm was in good hands brought joy to them. They indulged in their happiness and let go a for a little while. 

"Your father would be proud." Aragorn whispered in Legolas' ear. Legolas smiled and embraced his friend for a moment. Veya grasped her Promised hand and lead him out of the room. It had been two weeks sense Arwen and Aragorn had arrived. And the coronation and wedding to join Legolas and Veya was the next day. Nerves and excitement ran through Veya's veins. She was overwhelmed with emotion and being around so many people with the sole focus being her union to her Promised brought great anxiety to her. She needed some time alone with him.

"Slow down my love!" Legolas laughed loudly as Veya dragged him out of the feasting hall to the balcony overlooking the royal gardens and waterfall. 

"Look." Veya said pointing to the night sky full of stars. "There are trillions of stars in this sky. But the amount of starlight will never amount to how much I love you." Veya spoke softly looking up at the night sky. Legolas held Veya close to him and kissed the top of her head. He had become much more affectionate after the announcement of their betrothal. Veya had to acclimate slightly, she wasn't used to him showing such public displays of affections. But she enjoyed it. 

"Are you anxious for tomorrow?" Legolas asked softly as Veya played with a braid hanging from his long golden hair. 

"For the wedding, no. For the coronation, yes." Veya admitted this. She had worked on overcoming her anxiety about becoming queen but it still lingered within her mind. 

"To be honest. I am too." Legolas said. Veya turned her gaze to her husband to be and held his face in her hands. 

"I know you wish they were here. Your parents. I wish mine were to. I wish Yanu was here. My brother always spoke of what our weddings would look like, what our partners would be like. I pray to Eru to allow me to see them once more. But my parents did not sail into the west. They chose to pass on together, naturally. And maybe by some miracle they are looking down upon us with joy in their spirits. And maybe somehow so are your parents. They are so proud of you. You are an extraordinary person, and you will be an even more extraordinary king. I only wish I had your confidence." Veya spoke. It wasn't exactly what she was planning on saying but it just came naturally. She could tell Legolas had been holding back fully grieving for is father. And she wanted him to know she would always be there for him. 

"Tomorrow shall be a wondrous day. A day we will remember until the end of all days. I have prayed to Eru as well. I have prayed to send a message to your brother. To thank him for saving you that dreadful day during the war of the ring. For he is the reason I have the chance to marry such a glorious woman. Come. Let us rest for the night." Legolas spoke and a tear ran down Veya's cheek. She didn't speak of her brother often. But when she did it was always with kindness. Her brother was her rock. The person she went to with every trouble she faced. And now that he was gone she would turn to Legolas. And knowing how fond Legolas thought of his act of bravery to save her she felt whole for the first time in years. Veya linked her arm with Legolas and they made their way to their new royal living quarters. 


Veya awoke to light kisses upon her neck. She yawned slightly then turned and leaned into her husband to be. His hair was slightly messy and his eyes were tired. 

"Did you not sleep love?" Veya asked tracing her fingers along her Promised tired eyelids. 

"I was too anxious. I attempted to meditate to calm my emotions. But... I failed." Legolas smiled lightly at his obvious excitement to wed Veya. It brought joy to her heart but she was concerned about his lack of rest. 

"It is still early. Rest more before we are to separate." Veya said snuggling into Legolas' arms. Legolas laughed again and nodded his head. 

A few hours later the sun was higher in the sky and it shone through the flowing curtains upon their window. Legolas and Veya were woken up by a banging at their door. 

"Up! Up! Up! No time to waste! Your highness' you are to come with me immediately to prepare for your ceremonies." Reign said barging into their room. Legolas and Veya groaned and pulled the covers over their heads and looked at eachother with goofy smiles. 

"Today is the day." Legolas said. 

"Today is the day." Veya replied. 

*****authors note*****

I know this chapter is short but I felt like the next one needs to be longer and deserves it's own shine. so the actual coronation and wedding ceremonies will be their own chapter. thanks for the reads and thanks so much for adding this story to your libraries. This story by far is my most favorite. if you like my writing check out my other works! thanks again! 

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