Fade: Part 17

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Veya sat in the middle of the floor of the Eryn Galen palace library surrounded by books of all elven languages and contexts. Her fingers cut from the pages sharp edges and her eyes darting upon page after page. Her hair in messy tangles hanging around her face as her mind searched for answers to revive the king. It was the middle of the night and candles were upon each table top and surface in the library. While Legolas stayed at his fathers' side Veya remained in the library. Cintra had left with little answers nearly a month ago and Veya was becoming desperate. Legolas had become even more distraught than before and he had become weaker with each restless day and night. After the first few weeks Veya became obsessed. She sent letters to every kingdom she could conjure in her mind, she looked through every library in the Woodland Realm's kingdom, and now she sat in the royal library she once knew as a place of peace and knowledge. And now, with broken pages and damaged books thrown in her frustration around her she felt hopelessness. 

Veya threw her book to the ground and pulled at her tangled hair. Soft sobs escaped her lips as she tried to hold herself together. All her hours and days and weeks of research and nothing. She had no way to save the king, to save Legolas' father. She leaned back against a small wooden table and closed her eyes. Hoping for some insight to magically appear within her struggling mind. The door creaked and soft footsteps entered the candle lit library. 

"You must rest." Legolas spoke softly kneeling down to Veya's level and pushing her messy hair away from her tired face. 

"I must save him." Veya said with her eyes still closed. Legolas sat down next to her and held her hand in his upon his lap. He stroked the back of her hand. He knew she was not just doing this for him. She was also doing this for herself. She hadn't known Thranduil very well but felt a strong pull to him. Not just due to her bond to his son, but because she felt as though he understood her. They had many things in common, the two of them. They both grew up with royal blood, impossible circumstances placed upon them, they fought in wars, they lost the people they loved, and most of all they loved Legolas. She was breaking under the burden of having to hold up not only herself but Legolas as well. She loved her Promised with everything, and she knew it was an honor to stand by his side through the grand and horrible times in their lives. But that didn't mean she still wasn't human. Half elf or not, she still felt her feelings with her entire being. 

Legolas rested his head on Veya's shoulder. "You have been my light. Do not let yours fade." Legolas said quietly closing his eyes. He felt Veya's undying love and devotion for him and although he appreciated it and welcomed it into his heart, he could feel she wasn't taking care of herself. 

"I will not fade." Veya replied almost too quiet to hear. 

And with that promise the two elves fell asleep surrounded by the books and candle wax that brought no peace just yet. 

The next morning Veya woke up to Legolas stacking books with three servants. She was laying on a small plush sofa, a blanket laid across her body. Veya stretched her arms and caught Legolas' eye as he pointed to a shelf for a servant to place their stack of books. He smiled at her brightly and excused himself to sit next to her. 

"Rest well?" Legolas asked. He was in higher spirits. His hair was made well and his clothes were pressed and cleaned. And a simple silver circlet adorned his golden head. He looked regal, kingly. 

"Yes. You look... well." Veya said sitting up. 

"Cintra returned early this morn. He has brought news. I wanted to wait for you to wake to hear it. You were so sound asleep I chose to not move you from the library. Forgive me?" Legolas replied. 

"Nothing to forgive my love. Thank you for allowing me to rest." Veya leaned forward and placed a small kiss upon his cheek then flung the blanket from her body and stood up. "Allow me to redress. I shall join you and Cintra shortly."

"Of course." Legolas said then guided her to the library exit. 

Later that morning Legolas, Veya, and Cintra sat on the king's balcony sipping tea. Veya's nerves regarding Cintra's news making her foot tap. Legolas noticed and placed a hand upon her knee easing her stress. 

"Friends. I have spoken with a scholar in dark curses in the land of Umbar. An old friend who I hoped would shed some light on our king's predicament." Cintra said then taking a long sip of his tea. 

"And has your friend shed any light?" Legolas asked eagerly. 

"She has. It seems my previous thoughts regarding not being able to revive Thranduil were correct. But she did allow me to learn her ways of casting a spell to allow his passage to Valinar to indeed occur. His body would remain here in Arda when he passes and his spirit would go onto the Grey Havens. A physical form would rematerialize there. A rare and dangerous spell. But it has some success in the past." Cintra said. His words were strong and laced with confidence. Veya looked to Legolas with a pained expression. This plan sounded risky, was it worth it?

"Are you sure there is no other way?" Veya asked. 

"I am." Cintra said. 

"Then we must try. I cannot allow my father to fade." Legolas said leaning back in his chair and staring out into the morning view. Cintra turned his body to fully face Legolas. 

"Then we must make haste. And as much as I wish this was to be said on better times. Prepare yourself young Thranduilion. For you are soon to be king." 

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