A New Reign: Part 23

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Veya stood at her balcony twirling a single white rose between her finger tips. A gift from her husband. A single rose rested upon her pillow whenever he would have to leave in the early hours of the morning light. A reminder to her that even when apart, they will always be together. Legolas usually traveled alongside Veya, but this time he was to go alone. To travel to Erebor to visit Gimli and his kin to begin trade relations. Veya wished to join him but she had duties of her own to attend too. It had been many years sense Legolas and Veya's coronation to be the new rulers of the Woodland Realm and their titles added many responsibilities to them. Veya had joined Tauriel in leading the eleven army of Eryn Galen. Her skills in battle would aid them in any strife they may come across. And today was an important day. A new slew of elven warriors were to come of age to be ready to fight in battle. Their training complete and a ceremony was to be had. And being queen and head of the army, Veya had to attend. 

Veya was deep in thought gazing upon the crisp white flower between her fingers when a knock came from her door. She smiled softly then placed the flower in a vase with the other roses given to her by her husband. Each flower spelled to forever bloom. She walked to door and opened it just a crack, peering through with one slitted eye. 

"Yes?" Veya said. 

"Your Majesty. I have been sent to fetch you." A young servant girl spoke standing on the tips of her toes and bowing her head slightly. The girls soft pointed ears peeked through her auburn hair ever slightly. A half elf. More common these days sense the beginning of Veya and Legolas' reign. Veya opened the door more and stuck her head out. She looked side to side with wide eyes then ushered the small girl into her room. 

"Come, come. We must make haste. For today is an important day." Veya said grabbing the girls hand and leading her to sit on the bench at the base of her bed. "I have not yet dressed for the day. Will you help me?" Veya asked walking over to her closet and opening the wooden door. Racks and shelves of lavish clothing adorning them. The young girl smiled widely and clapped her hands a few times. 

"Yes! Yes my Queen. Which gown shall I help you with?" The girl asked. 

"No child. No gown today. Today, is a day of strength. To celebrate those who have trained hard in the art of battle. So today. I wish for you to help me strap on my battle armor." Veya said pulling out a long wooden box laid on the top shelf of her closet. She set it down next to the girl and winked at her. The girl giggled and looked over as Veya unlocked the lid to the box and slid it open. Veya gingerly removed a soft green fabric that was tucked around a large object. The young girl gasped as she looked inside. A sword of pure gold lay within the box. Veya gestured for the girl to lean back as she took the sword out of it's binding. She stepped back and swung it a few times, listening to it's swoosh as it cut through the air. "This is Fera. Champion in the new tongue. And she has been passed down in my family for many generations. Pure Imladris gold. A rare and unbreakable golden shine that can cut down any army. The last of only three swords made." Veya said looking upon her family's blade. 

"Is it true the sword was blessed by Eru?" The girl asked excitedly. 

"If you believe." Veya whispered her eyes shining bright looking at the relic. The sword given to her by her cousin Arwen upon her wedding day. She never expected to be given Fera. But a true honor it was to have been given to her. And she never wielded it. Not until today. 

The young girl helped Veya dress in her armor that shined of traditional Eryn Galen steel and cloth. Her hair braided back to mirror her husband's usual style. No crown laid upon her head but her sword hung on her hip to remind those around her that she was indeed their queen. 

After the ceremony to welcome the newly trained warriors into the Greenwood army there was a feast of course. A tradition kept from King Thranduil's kingship. The feasting hall was buzzing with celebration. A night of drinking, dancing, and joyfulness before the real training begins for the young warriors. As Veya sat beside Tauriel at the head table sipping her goblet of wine, she thought back to the day she officially became a warrior of Gondor. How proud her parents were and how even prouder her brother Yanu was to have his sister fight by his side to defend all that is good in this world. A small tear escaped Veya's eye as she thought of her brother. She truly hoped to see him when she sailed to the west. For his half elven heritage gave him a choice to join his father in the afterlife, or his mother in the Grey Havens. Whatever his decision. She knew he would be happy. 

"A wonderful ceremony my queen." Tauriel spoke patting Veya on the shoulder. 

"A wondrous occasion is was. I am very pleased with our new recruits aren't you?" Veya asked Tauriel. 

"Very much so your majesty." Tauriel replied. 

"And for tonight, dear friend. Veya will do. No formalities. I wish to be on friendly terms with you all this night. It is a rare chance I get these days." Veya smiled at her friend then guzzled the remaining wine in her goblet. She slammed it down and laughed jokingly. "We shall drink until our bellies cannot hold any more! Then we shall drink some more!" Veya shouted and the crowd around her laughed with her. Her drinking habits gained from her dear friend Gimli son of Gloin. 

The night went on and Veya danced the night away with Tauriel at her side. With Tauriel's hand in her right and another goblet of wine in her left as she twirled on the dance floor, her ceremonial armor clanking. Her sword safely tucked away for the evening. Before she could get another sip in of her wine a strong hand ripped it away from her grasp. 

"Ay!" Veya spun around with confusion in her eyes. 

"How dare you spoil your inhibitions without me present. A young queen should never indulge without her husband." Legolas said cheekily with a half smile. He tipped Veya's goblet to his lips and finished her wine. A small beed of red liquid escaping his lips. He wiped it away with his finger tip then looked upon it. "A pity it is to waste such delicious pleasure." With that he placed the droplet of wine between his lips and finished it off. 

"Your early return brings me great joy, husband. But I do as I please." Veya said happily then wrapping her arms around her Promised. They pressed their foreheads together and a white light illuminated their eyes for a moment. A soft warm feeling washing over their bodies. Their bond still ever great. 

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