Gondor: Part 10

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"Aragorn. They have arrived." Arwen said entering the main hall of the palace where the king stood speaking with one of his guards. Aragorn lifted his head at the sound of his wife's voice and smiled widely. The crown upon his head fitting him nicely. His wild curls tamed. He did truly look like a king. 

"My friends!" Aragorn said opening his arms. He embraced Legolas and patted him on the back. He did the same with Gimli then turned to Veya. "You are much too busy when you are home. I never see you. I am happy to be in your presence once again." Veya smiled and hugged her dearest friend. She had known Aragorn when she was younger. When she would visit Arwen he was usually following her around Rivendell's halls. She knew Legolas and him were extremely close, and yet she still never met him. He would always be just around a corner or across the hall from her and yet they still never met. Veya stepped towards Legolas and laced her fingers with his. Legolas turned to his friends. And with an even larger smile Aragorn felt a flutter of pride in his heart. "Arwen warned me of your union. A fine pair you make. Although, I am surprised you got this one to warm up to you Veya. He is usually a tough cookie to crack." Aragorn said and Gimli laughed loudly. Gimli always laughed loudly. "Come, let us speak." Aragorn said walking side by side with Arwen to the throne room. 

"This role suits you my friend." Gimli said taking a seat in the sitting area beside the large Gondorian throne. 

"Thank you Gimli. How was the journey? Arwen tells me the Eagles were of help?" Aragorn asked. 

"They were of help... I suppose." Gimli said remembering how difficult he thought it to ride into the air. 

"A magnificent experience it was." Legolas spoke up trying to stop a laugh from escaping his lips. 

The group of old friends caught each other up on their travels and experiences. But soon the darkness in the air could not be avoided this conversation. 

"The dark elves. They are nearly upon us." Arwen said.

"Have you seen?" Veya asked her cousin. 

"I always see." Arwen said. "The warriors of Lorien are already almost here. We received a letter from your father Legolas. He plans to send aid as well. In one months time war will be upon us." Arwen furrowed her brow and placed her hand upon Aragorns on his knee. He looked to her and gave her a weak smile. The last time darkness nearly overtook middle earth she almost died. 

"What of Rohan? Does Eomer intend to send aid as well?" Veya asked Aragorn. 

"Rohan will answer. After the war of the one ring. Gondor and Rohan will forever be one." Aragorn replied. "We must sharpen each blade and prepare each man and woman who are able to fight. I will not see my kingdom fall. Not this day. Nor any other day." Aragorn looked to each of his friends. "Let us fight one last time for our home." 

That evening Arwen and Veya strolled through the gardens of Minas Tirith. The air of winter chilling their bones slightly. They wandered through the flowers and trees which slowly lost their vibrance from the ever growing frozen air. The two cousins walked in silence enjoying the peacefulness before the evil that would soon to come. Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn met with Eomer who had traveled from Rohan that afternoon in Aragorns' study. They spoke of battle tactics and weaponry. Gimli of course suggested everyone wield an axe. That of course being impractical to some warriors. While they discussed, a guard walked into the study handing Aragorn a letter from the dwarven kingdom of Erebor. Aragorn read the letter and handed it to Gimli. 

"They will fight with us." Gimli said proudly. 

"That they will." Aragorn replied. As Eomer left after their meeting Arwen and Veya entered Aragorn's study. 

"Let us rest my love. It has been a long day." Arwen said holding her hand out to her stressed husband. Aragorn nodded and followed his wife out of the room. Gimli soon yawned loudly and left to retire for the evening as well. 

Legolas and Veya entered Veya's room at the palace. Due to her high ranking in the Gondorian army she lived at the palace. Her bedroom was adorned with dark wooden furniture and white tapestries and linens. Each shelf and surface had plants and flowers of many kinds, spelled to last all year without maintenance. It was a little elven sanctuary. Her balcony had simple flowing white curtains that lay open continually. Veya loved to feel the breeze upon her skin when she slept. It reminded her of Rivendell. The fond memories flooded her mind as she looked around her room showing Legolas each detail. 

"There is still so much I do not know of you." Legolas said running his hands over a shelf full of books written in the elvish language.

"What is it you wish to know?" Veya asked taking a seat at the edge of her bed. 

"You mentioned you had a brother." Legolas said with sadness in his eyes. He remembered she mentioned her brother when they were to mount the Eagles for flight to Gondor from Rivendell. He decided then it was not the time to ask of him, as the memory she shared was full of sorrow. 

"Yonu." Veya said with a small hint of sadness in her voice. Legolas walked over to her and sat next to her on her bed. 

"Tell me about him?" Legolas asked. 

"My younger brother. The fiercest sword wielder in all of Minas Tirith. He saved my life during the war. He was only a few years younger than I. We looked a lot a like. Same hair, same freckles, same eyes, even the same smile." Veya smiled then turned herself to face Legolas. "He was everything to me. My parents lost their lives at the battle of Helms Deep..." 

"They were there? I could have met them..." Legolas said. 

"I am sure you had. They were in Lorien when Haldir called for them to help. They volunteered." Veya said softly. 

"I am truly sorry. Losing family in such a way is devastating." Legolas said taking Veya's hand in his. 

"When the war came to the black gate. My brother and I were fighting fiercely. But unfortunately his time in this world would come to an end that day. I only wish I could thank him for saving my life." A tear ran down Veya's cheek and she quickly wiped it away. "Its funny, during the fighting he pointed you out to me. He admired your skill with the bow. I hadn't really thought about it until I saw you wandering the wild flowers in Fangorn Forest. I wish I had introduced myself to you sooner but after Yonu passed I wasn't myself. I could not eat, nor sleep. I was in a deep darkness within my mind that I thought would never end. When I finally saw the light I decided to travel Arda alone. To take in it's glorious landscape, and then I met you and Gimli. And although this journey has changed into something much more dangerous... I am glad to be on it with you." Veya then leaned in and grazed Legolas' lips with her own. A soft hum coming from his throat. 

"Your brother would be honored to see the woman you are today. You not only radiate beauty, but bravery and strength as well." Legolas said placing a soft kiss to Veya's lips then pulling her to his chest and leaning against her dark wooded head board. And they lay there In eachothers arms. Veya rarely spoke of her family. After they died she felt as though they were but a distant memory. But opening up to Legolas about them made her feel better. Made her feel as though she could speak to him about anything. They both had experienced great loss and heartache. And for the first time, in a very long time, their hearts were beginning to mend. 

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