Ukar: Part 15

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The time had come for Veya and Legolas to depart to Eryn Galen and the journey would be both sorrowful and exciting. For their futures both unknown and uncertain. After their goodbyes and promises of a return visit to Gondor one day the two set off on their steeds into the vast lands of Arda to venture towards the Woodland Realm. 

After their long journey through the Brown Lands Legolas and Veya came upon the entrance to the once feared wood of King Thranduils' kingdom. They dismounted their steeds and walked calmly and quietly through the silent wooded realm. The trees bellowing in the soft breeze and the echos of hushed voices of Legolas' kin whispering about his arrival floated in their ears. A small smile spread across Veya's face as she bore witness to the massive waterfall and bridge that marked the entrance to Thranduil's palace. The benevolent king awaited their arrival with abandon. He had missed his son and oddly enough his Promised's presence as well. Their undying love for one another showing him visions of his past life with Legolas' mother. 

"Are you happy to have returned home?" Veya asked Legolas as she handed her horse to a palace guard. 

"I am... undecided." Legolas spoke honestly handing his horse to a guard as well. 

"Why is that?" Veya asked. 

"Depends on the circumstances of our summoning. My father does not often wish for a simple visit." Legolas replied. Veya nodded her head in understanding. Legolas held out an arm for her to take and she did. They walked towards the large overwhelming doors of the palace. They opened wide and the sound ever loud would forever remind Veya in the future of the first time she entered her new home. For their destinies would prove to be forever intertwined in the land of Eryn Galen. She just didn't know it yet. 

Legolas and Veya cleaned themselves up from their journey and met outside the doors to the throne room. They were closed and a silence was ever clear in the air within the room before them. Legolas looked to Veya with a look of concern. His childhood home had grown rather quiet. He was always used to guards and servants galavanting about the palace halls upon hasty orders from their king. And Thranduil, being the boastful elvin king that he is, often spoke loudly and never went unnoticed among his friends and foes. 

Legolas nodded to the guards on each side of the throne room doors and they opened them. With Veya at his side, Legolas strode into the throne room confidently; expecting to see his father perched in his usual spot on his massive throne made of vines and antlers. Instead, he found a rather stoic version of his father. His features plane and his staff leaning against the throne rather than proudly in his grasp. Thranduil hadn't noticed his son's presence for a few moments until a guard leaned in and whispered something in his ear. Veya turned her gaze to Legolas' and saw a look of worry. His eyebrows scrunched together slightly and a faint frown upon his lips. Veya moved her other hand to Legolas' arm she was holding and gave it a slight squeeze of encouragement. She did not know the state that which his father was in. But the one he was in now did not resemble the high and mighty king she had once met. 

"Father." Legolas spoke softly as Thranduil lifted his chin and shifted his eyes to their presence. 

"My...  son... my... daughter..." Thranduil said with a slow burning rasp in his voice. Thranduil's once crystal blue eyes were dull and grey, his skin pale, and the dark circles that now graced his under eyes were prevalent.  Veya's eyes widened. Had the king fallen ill? Not possible. Elves don't fall to illness. 

"Father, what troubles you?" Legolas asked hesitantly but without showing further emotion on his face. 

"I have... been... bewitched... my child." Thranduil spoke. His words strung out slowly as if they were strained with each breath. 

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