The Eagles: Part 9

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The morning sun shown through the billowy curtains in the room where Legolas and Veya slept soundly. Blissful feelings of pure joy swept over the two Promised elves as they slowly opened their eyes to one another. Sweet smiles and gentle caress' accompanied by sensual good morning greetings. This day might be the last day without direct fear of the looming war. For the next morning they were to venture to Gondor to prepare for battle. So moments like these were well celebrated and adored. Legolas gently brushed his long pale fingers over Veya's soft hair. It had grown a bit sense he had first met her. Before it lay right at her shoulders and now it was just  hitting her collar bones. The hair of the elves grew much faster than that of men. Veya kept her hair shorter than her elven brethren. It suited her and it stayed out of her way in battle. Legolas gazed upon Veya's face, her freckled skin and olive complexion was bright and welcoming. Her brown eyes with just a hint of amber when the light of the sun shone upon them made his heart yearn for her to gaze upon him always. 

"Why are you staring?" Veya asked with those sparkling eyes of hers. 

"May I not gaze upon the woman I love?" Legolas asked with a small smirk. 

"You may." Veya said happily. She intertwined her fingers with his and smiled up at him. "I wish we could stay like this forever." 

"One day." 

The morning sun rose higher in the sky and Veya and Legolas finally decided it was time to show their faces to the others. When they were dressed and ready they walked into the beautiful city of Rivendell hand in hand. This was unusual for elven kind to be so open with their affections, but Veya was raised differently from her elf cousins and Legolas. Her father taught her that being affectionate openly is a blessing and not a curse. It is how you show the world how much you care for the people in your life. While elves do experience emotions such as love, happiness, and lust; they rarely express them so openly. Something Legolas struggled with daily. Veya would often have to reassure him that it was okay to hold her in public when appropriate. And to accept her gentle touch when warranted. So he tried, for her. And today he let go. He allowed Veya to hold his hand through the cobblestone paths in Imladris and he kissed her softly as they sat together on a bench watching the elves pass by attending to their daily activities. 

Legolas did this often, people watched. He would come up with personalities and hobbies for the people he saw wandering about. 

"His name is Arryn. Most likely plays the harp, but refuses to allow anyone listen to him play." Legolas said pointing to an Ellon with long chestnut colored hair and soft green eyes. He was leaning against a wall and writing in a leather-bound notebook. Tapping his quill every so often when trying to conjure a thought. He was tall and had muscular calloused hands. And as he wrote he would occasionally hum a small tune and tap his foot. 

"You are very good at this your majesty." Veya said with a smile. 

"Be careful, one day you might receive that title as well." 



"It is not that I don't wish that. I do... it's just..."

"Too soon to speak of such things?" Legolas questioned and placed his hand in Veya's in-between them on the bench. 

"I just wish to get through this war. To tear the darkness from this land for once and for all. Then... we can discuss our future. But for now, can we not just enjoy the present?" Veya said. She wasn't trying to hurt Legolas' feelings. She knew she wanted to spend every moment with him. But their lives were about to get extremely difficult, and she didn't want to talk about such happiness' if those such things might not occur. She wished they would, but the future was so uncertain she didn't want to jump to conclusions. 

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