Conflicted: Part 4

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Morning trickled into the thick greenery of Lorien and Legolas had already started his day. He was wandering about thinking to himself as usual when Cintra spotted him. 

"Legolas, you seem troubled." Cintra said walking over to his long time friend. 

"I am conflicted." Legolas replied a confused expression upon his face. 

"About Veya." Cintra said then Legolas looked up at his friend and nodded lightly.

"The mirror will show you all you need to see." 

"It has been a long time sense I gazed into that mirror." Legolas said walking with Cintra to a tall stone entrance to the location of Galadriel's mirror. 

"Let it show you what you need to see." Cintra gestured towards the mirror. It's shimmered and called to him. Legolas reluctantly leaned forward and saw. He saw a battle. He recognized himself and Veya, they were fighting elves... but no ordinary elves. These were dark creatures. Creatures from the depths of the earth. Creatures once thought to be long forgotten. His vision changed to a small field of wild flowers. Veya and Legolas stood in the center holding hands gazing into each others eyes. Two circlets upon their heads. 

Legolas gasped and backed up slowly from the mirror. "It cannot be." He breathed heavily.

"The mirror does not lie. Another war is to come." Cintra spoke with sorrow in his voice. 

"Sauron was defeated." 

"These beasts answer to no one. These are not Sauron's forces. This is an ancient foe." Cintra walked to his friend and patted him on the back slightly. "Do not fear for what is to come. For this was expected." 

"By who?" Legolas was growing slightly angry. He looked forward to a time of peace. A time without war or pain. 

"By all who can see." Cintra spoke then turned his head and saw Veya lingering by the stone opening. "Your other half is waiting for you." Cintra moved his head in the direction of Veya who stood with her hands at her sides. Her hair half braided up and her simple grey tunic and trousers slightly rustling in the breeze. Legolas turned his head and his eyes met Veya's. All he wanted to do was run into her arms and tell her everything. To run his long fingers through her hair and express his emotions to the hilt. But he couldn't. It was too soon. Instead, Legolas slowly walked over to Veya and laced his arm with hers and they made their way to seek out Gimli. 

"Friends! Tamien here was just telling me of the legends of the sea elves!" Gimli said biting into an apple sitting on a bench beside a small lake.

"It is no legend master dwarf. The sea elves live." Tamien said with a smile. Veya and Legolas took a seat on a bench beside them and removed their hold on each other. Tamien looked in their direction and frowned a bit. Tamien and Legolas had met a few times before during the war but they rarely spoke. So this odd behavior coming from her was seemingly unfounded. 

"It is true Gimli. I have met the queen of the seas and she has seen many life times." Veya said with a smile on her face.

"Oh how I long to meet such an extraordinary creature!" Gimli bellowed. 

"No creature. Elf like I. Just of the sea while we are of the land." Veya responded. 

"How did you meet the queen of the sea of Belagaer. It is said the ocean is so vast that she never makes it to shore." Legolas said.

"Lord Elrond was a friend to her people. I met her when I was just a child when I used to visit Imladris. He knew my interest in the elves of the sea and when she came to shore to visit Elrond, I was invited as well." Veya spoke mostly to Gimli who was leaning forward in his seat entranced by her story. 

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