Preparing for War: Part 11

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Over the next few days Veya, Legolas, and Gimli prepared themselves for war both physically and mentally. They sparred and practiced with their weapons. Legolas even attempted to teach Gimli the art of wielding a bow... but alas Gimli still preferred his axe. As Legolas and Veya grew closer their bond grew as well. The white light that emitted from the contact of their touch grew brighter each day. They often wondered if this was the power Elrohir spoke of. Answers were needed. And soon answers would come. 

"Elladan, Elrohir. Welcome to Gondor." Legolas said bowing to them as they entered the city limits of Minas Tirith. 

"It is an honor to fight alongside you again my friend." Elladan said bowing deeper to the Prince of Mirkwood. Elrohir turned to Veya. 

"Does your bond grow?" Elrohir asked Veya with curious eyes. Veya nodded then touched her fingertips to Legolas' and a white spark erupted. Much brighter than it had before. Veya and Legolas smiled to one another. "We have brought someone to shed some light and knowledge upon your Promised bond." Elrohir turned and a tall elderly man with short white hair and a beard with bright blue eyes and long cobalt robes stepped beside him. "Veya, Legolas. This is Alatar the Blue. He is of the Istari. And he wishes to help you improve your bond. To allow your magic to grow." Elrohir smiled then looked to Alatar who wore a soft smile upon his face as well. Alatar approached Veya and Legolas and held each of their hands. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in. After a few moments a pale blue light emitted from their joined hands and Alatar opened his eyes. 

"A true gift." Alatar said. He then turned and entered the palace of Gondor without another word. Legolas and Veya looked to each other bewildered. 

"That felt..." Veya said softly. 

"I know..." Legolas responded. Their brief but thrilling encounter with the Blue Wizard felt as though the bond had grown tenfold. How it grew, they did not know. But suddenly it was as if Legolas and Veya could feel each other's emotions. Legolas turned to Veya and placed his hand on her cheek. The warmth from Legolas' hand brought comfort to Veya and she sighed happily. A wide smile appeared upon Legolas' lips and he chuckled lightly. 

"You are happy when I touch you." Legolas said. 

"I always am my love." Veya replied.

"I can FEEL your happiness. It's like a trickle of joy spreading throughout my skin." Legolas says with light in his eyes. 

That evening Aragorn and Arwen held a small feast for Alatar the Blue to thank him for aiding their friends in their magical journey. The Blue Wizard sat quietly enjoying his meal as the rest of the company laughed and spoke stories to one another. Gimli leaned over to Alatar who was sitting across from him and cleared his thought. 

"What did you do to them?" Gimli asked pointing his fork in the direction of Legolas and Veya who were looking into each others eyes and occasionally laughing or sighing. As if they would read each other's thoughts. 

"I only awakened what was already there." Alatar spoke deeply and melodically all at the same time. 

A week had gone by since Alatars' arrival to Gondor and other than that very odd encounter with Legolas and Veya when he arrived, he didn't speak to anyone other than Elladan and Elrohir. He mostly kept to himself. Saying polite hellos and greetings when necessary. But one morning Alatar finally approached Legolas and Veya as they sat in the palace gardens hand in hand gazing upon the now light winter snow fall. Their warmth coming from their bond. Alatar walked up behind them and softly spoke. 

"Promised. Your power to manipulate the elements of this world grows deep within you." Alatar took soft steps closer to them then stopped right in front of them. He held a dark wooden staff in  his right hand which had a light blue stone upon the top of it. It glowed ever so slightly. 

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