The Day After: Part 13

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The dust settled and the men, women, elves, and dwarves buried their dead. While they did morn for they lost companions they did celebrate the end of the evil reign that was to be bestowed upon Arda by the dark elves. Legolas helped aid the wounded in the hospital rooms of Minas Tirith. So many gave their lives to save Middle Earth, and yes so many did indeed survive. The power within the Promised was unlike anything anyone had seen in centuries. Such magical ability was only thought to be possessed by those of the Istari. Elves held the gift of sight, and sometimes the gift to aid nature when it is in need. But never this type of power to overcome armies of the dark. The legends of elven power were just that, legends. Legends become myth. And now, myth becomes real. 

"All done for the day?" Gimli asked Legolas walking into the hospital room with wounded surrounding each area. 

"Not yet, there is still those who need tending to." Legolas says placing his hands in a bowl of water and rinsing off blood from the hurt. "But we will be along shortly." Legolas smiles at his friend, still shocked by the surge of power he and his beloved experienced the day prior. 

"Where is lady Veya?" Gimli asked handing Legolas a pack of bandages. 

"She is helping clear the grounds." Legolas replied taking the bandages and nodding to his friend. Legolas walked away from the dwarf and sat on a stool next to an injured young man with a sparkling smile. Legolas tilted his head, he thought he might recognize the man. 

"Your the elven price from the forest?" The young man spoke. Legolas tilted his head and thought for a moment. 

"Fangorn? You... you escorted me and my companions to the inn?" Legolas asked. 

"That was I. It was a pleasure fighting along side you." The young man rasped then clung to his stomach. He bent over in pain. Legolas lightly lead him to lay back down and lifted his blanket off of him. A large wound on his left abdomen. 

"Stay still young friend. I will bandage this." Legolas says taking a piece of cloth and cleaning away the blood from the wound. He then took the clean bandages and placed them upon the young mans abdomen. The man hissed in pain then relaxed. 

"Thank you your majesty." The man said. 

"You owe me no thanks. For I owe you a gratitude for fighting alongside us." Legolas stood and placed his right arm across his chest and bowed to the young man. They smiled to one another. Legolas turned to walk away and found Gimli standing in the doorway to the hospital room with Veya at his side. Veya had dirt smudged on her clothes and her forehead. Her hair tied away from her face and her hands were bound in bandages. A long day of helping clear the battle ground from rubble and wreckage. Veya smiled softly to Legolas and reached out her hand to him. He walked closer and took it. He turned her hand over in his and examined the bandage. 

"For blisters. I am fine my love." Veya said intertwining her fingers with his. Legolas nodded then looked to Gimli. The three friends stood in silence for a moment. Taking in the stress of the day and letting it go for a little while. 

The night grew dark and the stars started to shine upon the misty sky of Gondor. Arwen and Veya stood at the royal balcony looking to the sky wrapped in warm robes. The sunset beautiful as ever. And a feeling of hope lingered in the air. Was this truly the last foe that would descend upon this land? Were they truly safe? The two cousins looked to one another and shared a small smile. 

"Do you wish to stay?" Arwen asked Veya. 

"For a while." Veya responded stepping closer to her cousin. "I believe Legolas wishes to return home to the Greenwood." She said. 

"Do you wish to live out your days there?" Arwen asked. 

"Possibly. One day Legolas will be king. I do not plan on leaving his side. I assume he will wish to attend to his royal obligations from his kingdom. And I wish to be by his side, if he will have me."

"He will." Arwen said placing a gentle hand on Veya's shoulder. 

The sky grew ever darker and the stars grew brighter. A shooting star cast itself across the sky and Veya closed her eyes. Veya thought about her future. Where would she go? Who would be by her side? Would she be apart of Legolas' family? Would Thranduil truly accept Veya into his kingdom? Being half elven was uncommon in royal families. Lord Elrond was an exception. His family was known for accepting all people and creatures into their boarders. But Thranduil was very traditional. Only the most pure of bloodlines would he allow his son to marry. Although Thranduil seemed to accept Veya on the surface, she still wondered if he would ever truly allow her into his home. This troubling worry was never expressed to her Promised. For she did not wish to cause him any worry. If Legolas did choose to return to the Greenwood soon, would she go with him? Would this Promised journey begin and end with the battle against the dark elves? Veya knew there was a future with Legolas. But the future is never promised. It is simply yearned for. 

Later that night Veya ventured to her room where Legolas stood by the small fire place adding wood to it and warming his hands. He had bathed and his hair was slightly damp. The balcony door was ajar and the nighty breeze was ruffling his white sleeping clothes. He turned his head when he noticed Veya enter the room and close the door behind her quietly. 

"How is Arwen?" Legolas asked looking back to the fire and sighing lightly. 

"She asks if I wish to stay in Gondor." Veya replied taking off her long robe and placing it on the back of a chair. She stood next to Legolas by the fire and rested her head on his shoulder. The light from the fire shone upon  their eleven features. Warming their bodies and their spirits. 

"Do you wish us to stay?" Legolas asked.

"Us?" Veya asked raising her head to look into Legolas' crystal eyes. Legolas raised an eyebrow and had a look of concern on his face. He pondered in his mind for a moment then realization came across his face. He leaned down and kissed Veya gently. Her eyes closed and she leaned into the kiss. Enjoying every single second of it. 

"Where you go. I go." Legolas said releasing Veya's lips and turning back to the fire. In that moment Veya knew her worries were unwarranted. Her destiny was not only to be a powerful match with Legolas, but it was to love him. Entirely. "Come." Legolas said taking Veya's hand in his and walking her to their bed. He helped her lay down upon the soft blankets and hovered over her. His damp blonde hair tickling her neck slightly. She smiled up at him and played with the strings that hung from his night shirt. "You are breathtaking." Legolas said then kissed her deeply. 

Holding eachother tightly until the sun rose the next morning they didn't sleep much. Their eyes meeting and glowing from the shared love they had for one another. They bodies tangled together like vines climbing a stone wall. Their skin warm against eachother even with the cool breeze from the open balcony. After hours of silence Veya finally spoke. 

"Are we to return to Eryn Galen?" She asked between sweet kisses. 

"Hmm. If you wish it." Legolas said climbing ontop of her. 

"I only wish to be with you. Wherever we go." 

"Let us stay for a few more days. My father will send word if I am needed sooner." Legolas said then running his hands along every surface of Veya's freckled body. Veya giggled slightly then tangled her fingers in his hair. 

"Let us stay in bed until the sun sets upon us." Veya suggested. 

"As you wish, princess." Legolas said with a grin. 

"Princess?" Veya asked killing the mood slightly. 

"Are you not the blood of Elrond? And are you not my betrothed?" Legolas asked. Veya's eyes widened. She sat up and leaned against the headboard of the bed. She pulled the blanket over herself and looked at Legolas. 

"I suppose..." Veya said softly. 

"Promised is a gift. I assumed you would wish to be apart of my family... have I assumed incorrectly?" Legolas asked moving closer to Veya and running his hand through her hair. 

"You assumed correctly... and you wish to be apart of mine?" Veya responded softly. 

"I do." Legolas said. 

And so the sun rose and fell upon this day. The agreement between the Promised to be as one would come to pass. Their powerful bond to cure sick lands and inspire peace. As their bond grew so did their power. Their future uncertain, but one thing was. Legolas and Veya's journey was far from over. 

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