Moria: Part 7

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It had been a difficult stay in Lorien for the three companions. Veya, Legolas, and Gimli discovered truths about the darkness that would soon be upon them. But even with this new fear approaching, they continued their journey. And although their plans had changed and their minds were weary; they persisted. Because although dark times were ahead, their love and friendship would always prevail.

The journey to Rivendell had begun, and Veya was excited to see her cousins. Gimli hadn't ventured back to Rivendell sense right after the war ended; so he too was in great excitement. Legolas however was deep in thought as he rode his steed through the thick forest of Eryn Galen. The troubled elf sighed as they left the safety of his childhood home. For none of them knew what lay ahead. They were to travel through the depths of the Mines of Moria. The rumors of the orcs and dark creatures no longer dwelling below were just rumors. There was no guarantee they wouldn't encounter any foe. But it was worth the risk. The trio needed to speak to Elladan and Elrohir of Imladris. For they may hold answers to their many questions. 

"It has been too long sense I have visited my cousins." Veya said as the three friends rode their horses quietly across a small valley. 

"I am sure they will be pleased to have you visit! I am excited to return to Rivendell! Such wonderful wine and company!" Gimli said whole heartedly. Legolas rode his horse nearly without sound. His expression blank and his body stiff as he white knuckled the reins on his horse. 

"Legolas, are you alright?" Veya asked looking to her Promised with concerned eyes. Legolas snapped out of his daze and turned his gaze to Veya. 

"Just thinking... about what is to come." Legolas replied softly.

"Hmm." Veya replied. Veya understood that Legolas was an over thinker. He did this often. And although they hadn't known each other very long, she knew when he needed time to process things without speaking about them just yet. He would come to her when he was ready. 

Half a day had passed and the trio grew close to the entrance of the mines. Gimli rode ahead and slowed his steed. He hopped off his smaller horse and ran his fingers across a stone wall. A large mountain covered in weeds and vines of all colors. He ran his hand across an indent in the stone wall and turned his head with closed eyes, trying to focus on what he was looking for. He then popped his eyes open and pushed his hand as hard as he could into the stone wall. The wall cracked and dust fell slightly upon Gimli's head. He shook his head with a huff then clapped his hands together. 

"This is a rarely used entrance to Moria. But I can guide us through!" Gimli said walking over to Legolas and Veya who still sat upon their horses. 

"We should leave our horse friends. Let them return to Lorien. They know the way." Legolas said jumping off his horse swiftly then patting it's head. Veya did the same and ran her fingers through the silky mane or her mare. 

"Be safe, ride hard." Veya whispered into the ear of her horse. The three travelers gathered their belongings and walked to the entrance and stood as Gimli spoke in a hushed tone. The stone wall cracked again and slightly opened. Only allowing enough room for the three companions to enter. 

"Keep your wits about you laddies. We do not know what lurks beneath the shadows." Gimli said holding his axe a little higher. The halls were dark and the air was cold. Veya stepped closer to Legolas and squeezed his hand lightly, she could sense his unease. "The journey through Moria will be three days." Gimli said turning to his friends who trailed slightly behind him. "We rest only when need be." Gimli said again. Gimli usually always accepted extra time to rest and eat but he knew now was not the time to dwell in such a place. The Mines of Moria being familiar to him and his dwarven kin, and yet he knew this place may still hold evil in its halls. 

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