To Move Forward : Part 19

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The next day Cintra gathered Veya and Legolas in Thranduil's bedroom. The king laid quietly in his bed, his chest rising and falling softly with uneven breath. It was time to set his soul free. 

"How long will it take?" Veya asked leaning down to Thranduil's side and stroking his forehead.

"Not long. But stay back this magic can be dangerous." Cintra said sitting beside Thranduil on the bed and taking a small black leather bound book from his robe pockets. Veya obeyed and walked to Legolas' side at the other end of the room. 

"Wait." Legolas said leaving Veya's side and rushing to Thranduil's. "I need a moment." He said again. Cintra stood and walked to Veya's side. They began to leave the room but Legolas' voice stopped them. "You can stay. I'll only be a moment." Legolas stated. They nodded and returned to their previous spot.

"Adar. I understand. Give my love to Naneth." Legolas spoke then held his father's hand in his tightly. Tears ran down his face and he looked to Veya with pleading eyes. She understood and walked to his side to help him back to his feet. She walked him back slowly to a sofa in the corner of the room. She helped him sit then sat next to him and intertwined her fingers with his. 

"You will see him again." Veya said. 

"Indeed." Legolas replied. Cintra stood and gave a saddened look to the two young elves and returned to Thranduil's side. Cintra took his book into his hands and ran his hand over the cover. It was worn and the leather was brittle. This book had gotten him through many difficult times in his long life. He flipped through it until a marked page caught his attention. 

Cintra smoothed the page of the book he was focused on and then placed one of his hands upon Thranduil's chest. He then started to speak very softly in a language neither Veya or Legolas understood. As Cintra's words grew slightly louder Veya and Legolas' hands sparked that same white light they knew so well. Veya knew it was because of the stress of the situation. 

"Calm my love." Veya whispered to Legolas and he leaned into her and the spark faded. Cintra hovered his hand over Thranduil's head and chanted those same undefinable words he whispered before. Legolas' heart began to pound and he could feel his palms becoming sweaty. Veya noticed and wrapped her arm around him and pulled him into her chest. He let her hold him until Cintra's chanting finished. 

Cintra closed his book and stood and hovered over Thranduil's body with his hands moving back and forth. He closed his eyes and spoke the words once more. Just then a bright light emitted from Cintra's hands and blasted throughout the room sending Cintra to be pushed back a bit, the wind being knocked out of his lungs. Legolas and Veya stood up abruptly and ran to his side. They helped him regain his balance and looked him over. 

"It is done." He spoke out of breath. Legolas and Veya held up Cintra until he could fully regain his strength. Once standing fully Legolas walked to his father's side and rested a hand upon his forehead. Thranduil's pulse was gone and his skin was cold to the touch. The last remaining color to his skin was now gone.

"Did it work?" Legolas asked lowly. 

"We will not know until we sail to the Grey Havens ourselves." Cintra said. "This magic is unpredictable. Yet I do have hope that it worked. And so should you." 

Days had gone by before Legolas had decided to tell the royal court of his father's departure to Valinar. The announcement was somber and the room was filled with many wishes of a long life in the Grey Havens for Thranduil. Legolas was also greeted with congratulations for both his soon to be coronation and betrothal to Veya. And although he was grateful for the well wishes, he was also saddened by them. 

One evening Veya and Legolas laid in bed staring into eachother's eyes simply enjoying the calmness of the moment. The moon light from the open balcony window shining a soft glow upon their skin. Legolas ran his fingers along Veya's skin as she soaked in the gentle touch. She leaned forward and kissed him. It had been many sunsets sense they had been intimate this way. The stress of battle at Minas Tirith and then the passing of Legolas' father Veya's only concern was to comfort Legolas in his time of need. And knowing his father was now possibly at peace and living his days with his mother at his side made Legolas return to his old self just enough to cater to his Promised's needs. 

"The marks that speckle your skin are becoming my queen." Legolas said referring to her freckled skin. 

"Queen." Veya said in a whisper. The word slipped from her lips but lingered on her tongue. Still a strange notion to her. Although of royal blood Veya never thought she would ever be in this position. Let alone fall in love with someone of Legolas' caliber. 

"A title you must come to terms with." Legolas said leaning in and kissing her lips again. When he moved back Veya had a smile upon her face. 

"I wish to come to terms with it. I just... what if your people do not accept me as their... queen." Veya said. She had time to think over her fears of becoming the new queen of Eryn Galen so she truly did look forward to the role but she still felt uneasy saying it out loud. "And the circumstances in which I will be crowned are hard to bear. He is your father. But Thranduil... he trusted me with one of his most sacred memories. I saw your mother's face. How will they accept me as their queen if I cannot fill the shoes of the woman who loved this realm with everything she had. A woman who ruled with grace and honor and who loved you and your father so dearly. I cannot compete. I... I..." Veya rambled. She knew she could not compare herself to Thranduil's late wife. But she also knew that whether she wanted it or not people would. They would compare her. Especially sense Legolas looked so much like his father seeing someone of half elven decent and raven hair by his side would shock Legolas' people. For generations only pure blood and fair haired elves ruled over this land. And it was time for a change. 

"My love." Legolas said moving closer to his Promised and tilting her anxious eyes to look into his crystal blue ones. "My mother was a beacon of stability in this realm. I loved her and she loved us. And I have every confidence that if she were here with us she would love you as well. But you are not her. And in the most magnificent way you are not her. For you and I together will bring about great change in this kingdom. Do not compare yourself to her. For I have faith in you. I am new to this as well. I have avoided my royal duties for too long. I must do the right thing and stand up for my people. To prove to them that I am the rightful king of this land. And I wish to have you to rule by my side. I understand this is not what we imagined for our lives so soon. But it is upon us. Shall we make the most of it?" Legolas looked into Veya's eyes and found a sense of calm in them once more. For she now understood that Legolas was correct. They could not change the path they were on now. And all they could do was move forward. 

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