Legolas: Part 18

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"I will be appointed regent until my father has passed unto the Halls of Mandos." Legolas said looking at his reflection in the mirror of his bedroom. He straightened his dark green tunic stitched with golden accents and buttons of pure silver. He braided the sides of his hair and smoothed his hands over the top. Staring at himself he held his breath. It was rare we wore his royal garb. For he was used to wearing his battle wear and accustomed to carrying a bow rather than a crown. Veya came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him from behind. She lay her head on his back and breathed in his scent. Her actions seemed to calm him and he relaxed in her embrace. 

Veya unlocked her arms from around Legolas and walked over to Legolas' bedside table. She picked up his circlet and then rejoined him at the mirror. She smiled and gestured for him to lower his head. He did so with a grateful smile. When he raised his head back up he looked once more to his reflection. 

"You look like him." Veya said softly wrapping her arm around his and looking at them standing together in the mirror. 

"I have always been told I resemble my mother more." Legolas said with a small frown. 

"I have seen the beautiful paintings of your mother in these halls and while I do agree you do resemble her... you are your father's son." Veya said kissing her Promised's arm and tilting her head to look into his eyes. Legolas turned his gaze to hers. A tear threatening to escape his eye. 

"I am not ready for this." Legolas admitted. 

"Your father would not have chosen now to be the time to sail into the west if he did not believe you were ready. Trust in him as you do in me." Veya replied. Legolas had always been a brave warrior and loyal companion but he never saw himself as true royalty. He did his royal duties when required of him but he never sought them out. Only appearing in his circlet and royal garb when it was required of him. He was never at home in the kingdom. Always exploring or going on missions with his father's armies. Even as a child he never reveled in being a prince. No matter the perks it came with. Legolas was grateful to have Veya by his side. And he knew in this moment that when he was crowned king, she would be his queen. 

A few moments later Legolas and Veya ventured out of their room toward the throne room to announce to the royal court what was happening with king Thranduil. 

When they arrived Legolas removed his arm from Veya's and placed a kiss upon her hand. Waiting until the last moment to let go of her hand Legolas lingered slowly to stand infront of his father's throne to address his people. He placed his hands behind his back and lifted his head to look at the room of several royal dignitaries and military officials. Veya stood next to Cintra with a reassuring smile upon her face. Legolas smiled back in gratitude and took a deep breath in. He lifted his head higher and looked around. 

"Prince Legolas has an announcement." A guard spoke loudly and the soft chatter amongst the room quieted. 

"King Thranduil has decided to pass on to Valinar. He wishes to be reunited with the queen. At this time he wishes to spend time alone with myself and my betrothed to..." Legolas took another deep breath in. He had decided to keep the details of his father's illness private. He looked to Veya who nodded softly. "To... make arrangements for the transfer of power from him to me. I understand this may come as a shock. But I assure you he has made this decision after much deliberation and thought. For respect for the king's wishes of privacy I will be appointed regent until he has successfully sailed to Valinar. If you have any questions please bring them to my newly appointed royal advisor, Tauriel." Legolas looked to his left and gestured to Tauriel who obviously had no idea Legolas had chosen her as his royal advisor. She smiled and bowed her head to the new regent. Legolas bowed back slightly then turned his attention back to the crowd and immediately made eye contact with Veya. 

"Before we go about our duties this day. I have one more announcement." Legolas said. Veya tilted her head in confusion. "Veya. Join me?" Legolas said holding his hand out to her. Veya turned to Cintra for an ounce of understanding and he just smiled at her. 

"Go on." Cintra whispered. A tone of understanding in his voice. Veya moved her hair behind her ears and walked to Legolas taking his hand and standing next to him. She looked around the room and the faces of the royal court were a mix. Veya looked back at Legolas who didn't remove his gaze from the crowd before him. He gave her hand a quick squeeze then began to speak again. 

"This is Veya of Gondor. Cousin to Arwen Queen of Gondor and royal blood of Lord Elrond, may he rest." Legolas said then the crowed said "may he rest" in unison quietly. "And she is my betrothed." Veya looked at Legolas with wide eyes. She knew Legolas wanted her in his life forever, but she never thought he would announce it just yet. Especially now. "It is my intent to join my soul with her's and to make her your queen. I have kept my private life well hidden. And although I had wished to keep it so. I understand now that I have an obligation to this realm to be completely honest. I only wish for your acceptance...Thank you. That will be all." Legolas turned to Veya and lead her out of the throne room. Those who attended the meeting followed Veya with their gazes as she walked out hand in hand with their soon to be new king. 

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