Rivendell: Part 8

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Veya inhaled the sweet scent of her mother's home. Imladris sparkled with magic in it's air. The sun shown brightly upon the clear 2bodies of water and the tall trees. The air slightly warmer than that of the outside world, which was coming into winter. Rivendell was always a bit warmer than the other places in middle earth. Maybe it was the essence of magical properties in each leaf and branch, or maybe it was simply its people. 

Veya lead Legolas and Gimli towards the palace in the center of a magnificent valley of stone and foliage. Flowers bloomed every which way and the breeze flowed through their hair like whispers on wind. No guards met the travelers as they entered the beauty of Imladris for Elladan and Elrohir were expecting them. For Elrohir did indeed have his father's sight. 

"Cousin!" Elladan shouted from a balcony when he saw his cousin Veya step into the open and light palace. He ran down the long staircase near the balcony with his moss colored robes flowing behind him. A silver circlet lay upon his head. His straight brown hair slightly bouncing as he descended the stairs swiftly. He brought Veya into a tight embrace closed his eyes. "You never visit anymore." He said. 

"My apologies dear cousin. For my duties are needed else wear." Veya said.

"Understood. But you are truly missed. Elrohir! Veya has arrived!" Elladan shouted to his left. Elrohir appeared in a door way wearing a darker shade of green robes and the same circlet upon his head. His hair was slightly shorter than his twin brother Elladans' yet he had a saddened expression on his face unlike his brothers happy one. 

"Cousin, a pleasure to gaze upon you once more." Elrohir said then turned his head towards Legolas and Gimli. "Your eminence. A great honor to have you in our home. Gimli son of Gloin welcome as well." Elrohir bowed his head then turned to leave. Veya looked to Elladan confused. Both her cousins were usually very rowdy. They played pranks on Veya, Arwen, and Aragorn when they were children. Even as adults they were always the most lively of the group. This was unlike Elrohir. 

"Forgive him. For the gift of sight does not always feel as though it is a gift." Elladan said to his cousin understanding her confusion. 

"We understand." Legolas said with a light smile. "Shall we discuss why we have come?" Legolas asked Elladan. 

"Yes, yes. Follow." Elladan said then laced his arm with Veya's and patted her hand. "Arwen sends letters, she says you are doing extremely well in the Gondorian army. The warrior you have become. Your parents would be very proud." He says as they walk to Elrohir and Elladan's shared open office space. Veya looked up to her cousin who was slightly taller than her and smiled. "Being half Elvin is a blessing. Such as my father. It gives you strength." He said to her again. Veya had always struggled with being half elven. Her mother was Lord Elrond's half sister. A surprise to the family, but a welcome one at that. When she married a man not of elvish blood and bore a half blood child just like her brother, Lord Elrond was elated. Veya knew being a half blood would cause some discomfort in her life from people who chose not to understand that even though she was different, she still had the magical blood of the elves within her and the strong reliance of man as well flowed through her veins. She was a warrior in Gondor. She fought for both man and elf, and even dwarf. And... the occasional hobbit. 

When the four entered the office Elrohir stood looking out a large open window at the sparkling lake before him. His lands clasped infront of him as his long evergreen covered sleeves moved slightly in the open breeze. "You are Promised." He said without turning around. 

"Yes." Veya said lightly still holding onto Elladan tightly. She feared for her cousin Elrohir, for he was much wiser than Elrond's other children. He never allowed his sight to cause him such pain, this hurt Veya's heart deeply. She gave Elladan a reassuring nod then let go of his arm. She walked over to her cousin and placed a gentle hand on his right shoulder. Elrohir turned his gaze to Veya his piercing silver eyes looked deep into her brown ones. He then turned his head slightly and looked upon Legolas who stood as still as a statue next to Gimli. Elrohir let a small smile slip and turned again to his beloved cousin. 

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