The King and Queen of Eryn Galen: Part 22

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Veya held her breath as a servant yanked on the strings of her corset. She yelped as the last string was yanked tight. 

"Is this truly necessary?" Veya asked turning her head to look at the elderly elleth tying her corset strings. 

"It is customary." The woman said flatly. Veya turned her head back to face the wall in front of her and rolled her eyes. Her royal family members never made her wear such contraptions. She was a warrior, never made to wear corsets or puffy dresses. "You are to be queen today. You must dress as such. Do not fret, for you will have more say in your future attire." The woman said with a little more softness in her voice. Veya smiled slightly, knowing the woman was only trying to do her job. But it still bothered her. 

Veya turned around when the woman beckoned her to follow her to the other side of the room near a large wall length mirror. She put her hands above her head and the woman helped Veya into her gown. A long icy white dress with loose sleeves that flowed elegantly. The bodice made of lace and the massive train that fell behind her was made of lace and silk flowers, all in white. Veya turned to look at herself in the mirror. Her hair had been braided back and she adorned a single pendant necklace of an ancient opal, crafted by starlight. A rare gem handed down to Legolas by his mother, and now to Veya. Veya touched the pendant with her finger tips and smiled. For one day she might gift this to her future children. One day. 

"Follow." The woman said gesturing for Veya to follow. Veya followed the woman as another elf held her train up as for it to not drag on the ground. They entered the hall which was adorned with glittering lights and white flowers. Veya grew nervous with each step she took towards the doors of the throne room. Her heart fluttered as the sound of soft music entered her ears from behind the large doors. Veya stood straight as two servants put finishing touches on her look and smoothed out her dress. One of them stood behind her and fixed her train so it would flow effortlessly. Another came behind her and placed a vail upon her head allowing it to cascade over her face. It was shear and she could see through it, but it felt like a shield. To protect her from the prying eyes awaiting her entry from the throne room. Veya took a large breath in and held it for a moment. A servant knocked on the doors three times and then turned to Veya and gave her a gracious smile. Veya let out the breath as the doors opened and she stood silently as the moment she would wed her Promised was about to commence. 

Veya walked the strip of golden carpet that laid softly beneath her feet. Flowers were tossed her way from the pews on either side of her. The men, women, elves, and dwarves that stood in the pews smiled and waved at her as she walked. She kept her head down and hidden beneath the vail. Her anxiety taking over slightly until she finally lifted her head. Standing at the base of Thranduil's throne was Legolas. He wore silver and white robes with his hair flowing down his shoulders. He wore a silver circlet upon his head and his eyes sparkled the truest blue Veya had ever seen. 

When she reached the base of the throne Legolas held out his hand and she took it. He guided her to her spot beside him and smiled brightly at her. Cintra walked up to a platform slightly above them in the center and clasped his hands together. 

"To all who join us this day. Welcome. The joining of Prince Legolas Thranduilion of the Woodland Realm and Veya of Gondor, royal blood of Rivendell, will bring these two houses together under the holy light of Eru." Cintra nodded to Legolas who lifted his hands from Veya's and pushed her vail back away from her face. Veya's eyes lifted to his and she melted. The man who she snuck up on in the wooded trees of Fangorn Forest stood in front of her with tears in his eyes. A look of pure unaltered love. A look of adoration for his Promised. Legolas took Veya's hands in his once more and held them tight. "The tying of hands represents the joining of two souls. The connection between two beings hand crafted by the Valar." Cintra spoke as Arwen approached with a golden rope in her hands. She smiled brightly at her elven friends and tied the rope around their conjoined hands softly. She bowed her head then walked back to her place next to Aragorn in the pews. "You shall be wed and forever cherished by any land you lay foot upon. To honor Veya's human customs. You may kiss the bride." Cintra said and Veya chuckled lightly. Legolas leaned in and kissed her softly. A smile spread across his face as his lips touched hers. When they parted the crowed cheered.

Cintra embraced the two elves and then stepped down allowing Aragorn to take his place. Arwen and Tauriel stepped up behind Legolas and Veya holding golden capes with large white fur collars. A servant placed two small pillows at Legolas and Veya's feet and gestured for them to kneel. They did and Arwen draped Veya's shoulders with the cape and Tauriel did the same for Legolas. Veya looked over to Legolas with a nervous look and he winked at her which made her giggle slightly. The coronation of the Promised was beginning. 

"Veya. I remove your wedding vail to be replaced by that which will crown you queen of Eryn Galen." Aragorn said gently taking the vail from Veya's head and handing it to Arwen who handed it to Elladan. Veya's heart quickened as she looked at her cousins, all three of them were in attendance and she was grateful for the support. "Legolas. I remove your circlet of regent to be replaced by that which will crown you king of Eryn Galen. Your Father's legacy runs within your veins." Aragorn leaned down and took the circlet from Legolas head and quickly placed a hand upon his shoulder. A knowing look passed between the two friends. For they had come a long way in their journey's together. To both be kings of their kingdoms was an honor and a blessing to share with one another. Aragorn handed the circlet to Elrohir. Elladan and Elrohir handed off the head pieces to servants who disappeared for a moment then returned with two golden boxes. Arwen placed her hands into the box Elladan held and pulled out a golden crown with bright white crystals enlaced in it's metal. Veya's eyes widened and she looked once more to Legolas who had a look of pride on his face. 

Arwen handed the crown to Aragorn and he leaned down to Veya who shook slightly in her kneeling position. "Breathe my friend." Aragorn whispered as he slowly placed the crown upon her head. "A warrior becomes queen. Queen Veya of the Woodland Realm." Aragorn said with joy in his voice. Veya gasped slightly then tilted her head to look at Arwen who wore her own crown of Gondor. Arwen nodded to her cousin and a tear fell from her eye. A new bond was forming between them. 

Tauriel lifted Thranduil's crown out of the box that had been adorned with the same white gems. The gems that belonged to his mother. A crown crafted to represent both his parents. She handed the crown to Aragorn who took it gently in his hands. He bent down and placed the crown upon Legolas' head. "A prince becomes king. King Legolas of the Woodland Realm. Another legacy to carry out Thranduil's kingdom. Now a new day has come upon us. A new pair of leaders to lead this land into to the glorious light it has always deserved. For there are brighter days ahead of us. May their lives be long and their reign last a million life times." Aragorn spoke with pride and stood and gestured for the King and Queen of Eryn Galen to stand. They stood and interlocked their hands and faced the crowd. "The King and Queen of The Greenwood. May they reign!" Aragorn shouted. 

"May they reign!" The crowd cheered. Legolas squeezed Veya's hand and they swiftly walked passed the pews of onlookers. They left the room and the doors were closed behind them. They leaned against the doors for a moment and took in all their emotions. 

"This is real." Veya said in a hushed voice. Legolas leaned in and embraced his new queen. 

"This is life." Legolas whispered. 

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