Promised: Part 2

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"How much longer until we reach the land of the golden haired beauty!?" Gimli asked Legolas who was walking quietly next to Veya with his hands behind his back. 

"Another days time Gimli. Nearly there." Legolas said without turning around. 

"So close yet so very far! I need a rest. Fancy a bite Veya?" Gimli asked taking a seat next to an old tree. 

"I am alright, thank you." Veya said sitting down and fiddling with her pack. 

"It is getting dark. We should rest here for the night. Get an early start in the morning." Legolas said taking a quick look around the grassy area they were in. "I hear running water near by." 

"I wish to bathe. I'll return shortly." Veya said standing up then making her way towards the sound of running water. Legolas and Gimli nodded their heads. Gimli ate an apple as Legolas started a fire. 

"You like her." Gimli said tossing his apple core into the pile of fire wood. 

"I do." Legolas said lighting the pile of firewood aflame. 

"No laddie. You LIKE her." Gimli said with a grin. 

"You are mistaken." 

"I am never mistaken!" Gimli shouted annoyed. Legolas turned his head slightly to the sounds of light splashing. Gimli didn't hear it, but Legolas' tuned hearing did. 

"I am going to fill our canteens." Legolas said standing up and turning to leave. 

"Keep your eyes in the back of your skull laddie!" Gimli laughed and Legolas just ignored him and continued to walk away. When he arrived to the soft running river he spotted a pair of boots and a set of clothing on a rock beside the river. Legolas scanned the surrounding area and found Veya with her head bobbing above the surface humming to herself with her eyes closed. The moonlight glistening upon the surface of the water. Her hair almost blue in the soft white light of the stars. She knew he was there but she said nothing. Legolas quietly took a seat and admired her musical humming. The tune he did not recognize but he could listen to her for eternity. Her body was well hidden beneath the water and yet he felt as though he was intruding on her privacy. He began to stand when her soft humming stopped. He looked over and saw Veya looking right at him from her position in the river. 

"Do not leave. You are not bothering me." Veya said motioning for Legolas to come closer. Legolas stood then walked a few paces closer then leaned against a tree. He looked to the sky and began admiring the moon. 

"I did not intend to spy." Legolas said. 

"I do not believe you to be a spy." Veya said chucking a bit. "I am not like those elleth who shy away from the eyes of men." 

"I did not mean to gaze." Legolas said not turning from the sky. 

"Gazing is not a crime my prince. It does not bother me." Veya turned and placed her arms on the shore of the river. She waited for Legolas' eyes to meet hers then she motioned for him to come closer. He didn't move. "I do not bite." She said with a smirk. 

"You could be a liar." Legolas said raising an eyebrow. 

"I could be." Veya said. After a few moments of going back and forth in his mind Legolas finally decided to join Veya in the cool water of the river. She turned her body to avoid making him uncomfortable as he undressed. Seemingly that he was the more modest of the two. After the appropriate amount of time she turned finding Legolas had gracefully ascended into the water without a sound. The ends of his nearly white hair softly flowing on the surface of the water, his blue eyes sparkling in the moon light, and his expression that of pure peacefulness. Veya waded the small distance between them and looked into Legolas' eyes. 

"You have seen great horrors in your life." Veya stated. Her expression soft. 

"As have you." Legolas replied. 

"And yet... you seem at peace. Why is that?" Veya inquired. 

"I am not always at peace." 

"Neither am I." Veya felt a pull towards Legolas. She was usually a very forward person, even with how little she spoke. She had a feeling of want towards him. She wanted to know everything and anything about the warrior prince of Mirkwood. 

Veya brought her hand up to the surface of the water and held it in the air. Legolas did the same. Their hands just about touching and yet they felt as though their hands did touch. Their eyes locked on one another as their fingers danced lightly until they finally grazed one another. A warmth spread throughout their bodies and soft light emitted from their finger tips. 

"Promised." They both spoke softly. At that realization the two interlocked their fingers and looked to the sky. Their thoughts running rapid at the discovery of a possible destined union. The Promised, a type of soul bound rarity among the elvish people of Arda. A rare yet magnificent bond between two kindred elvish souls. Their bond crafted by Eru themself. Gifted to the few, but celebrated by the many. A bond granted to those who would bring prosperity to lands in need. To come together to heal the natural order of nature and the those who are in need of it. Much more than a romantic bond, a bond to restore balance. A bond... to heal worlds.

Promised (Legolas x OC)Where stories live. Discover now