Chapter One: Meet Dawn

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*Fyi I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes. I'm a terrible speller*

Sirens blaired as red and blue lights filled the streets. My feet were acheing from the strenuous amount of running. Ever since the mutant underground had been defeated. The new and improved Sentinel Servises had implemented a new testing program where evary child will be tested for traces of the X-gene and if they came back positive then the poor child would be sent straight to the Mutant homeland. They wouldn't get to say fairwell to their families and wouldn't get to take any of their belongings with them. Sentinel Servises blamed it down to contamination. The mutants homeland was a nation dedicated to mutants. A safe place for them to live forever. Yet this heavenly sounding place was deeply corrupted and so I had to complete my mother and father's work.

My name is Dawn and I'm the daughter of Marcos and Lorna. My parents were two of the most valued members of the mutant underground. They died when the Inner Circle murdered all members of the underground. The Inner Circle now controlled the Mutant homeland. They rueled through fear. I had stayed at my temporary foster home for as long as I could yet the Sentinel Servises had now found me. I had suspected that their leader Jace Turner had told them of my existance and how I was a danger to the survival of humans. I was most definitely a mutant. I had Ghostly white skin and a weird star birthmark looking thing on my cheek. My hair was pitch black (no joke. My hair was so black that it almost absorbed the light and stoped it from penetrating) with green, yellow and red streaks. I had been told that my mother had green hair so it made me glad to know I had inherited at least something from her. My ability was that I could absorb energy from my surroundings and convert it into any type of energy I wished.

I ran down into a dark alleyway and crouched down behind one of the dumpsters. I had unintentionally absorbed alot of the kinetic energy from when I was running and I needed to release it. I couldn't hold in the energy for very long so I chose to convert it into thermal energy and use it to start a fire large enough to distract the Sentinel Servises so I could escape. I set a few parked cars ablaze and one derelict house when I heard what sounded like energy sparks. I turned to face the gerneral direction the sound came from when I saw a purple flashing light and out from round the corner walked someone who I had presumed dead.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

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