Chapter Three: Andrew Von Strucker

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Thanks for the help with my spelling. I struggle to spot spelling errors due to the way my brain works and I'm so glad u chose to read the second chapter. I'm really loving this so far and it's about to get really interesting in the next few chapters.

I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. It was 10:24am and I noticed my feet were sore and I had a nasty looking blister on my left foot where my small shoes had rubbed my feet. Lauren walked into my room carrying what looked to be hair dye.

"You should probably dye your hair a more natural colour so that you're less likely to be recognised" Hearing Lauren talk still surprised me. She had mostly kept to herself when I arrived last night.

"Yeah, I'll dye my hair but urm, do you happen to have any pain killers I've got a really bad headache?" I replied. Lauren didn't say anything but left the room. A few minutes later she returned with water and a tablet. I told her I didn't need water to swallow tablets so she placed the water down on the bedside table. I then quickly swallowed the pain killer and dyed my hair. I then showered and upon realizing there was no hot water I ended up having a really quick shower and it was most unpleasant. I had chosen to dye my hair brown since I thought that if I wasn't a mutant I probably would have had brown hair. I looked into the mirror and realized how different I looked withought my coloured streaks. I didn't know yet if it was a good different or a bad different especially since the brown didn't look natural. It looked like it had been dyed brown (which obviously it had I just didn't want it to look like that). I got dressed in a simple black T-shirt and blue, ripped jeans and went to sit on the small couch.

After a while Andy came over and sat with me. "You look different withought those streaks of colour." pondered Andy. I still wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not so I just replied with an uncertain "thanks?" I don't think Andy heard the uncertainty in my voice as he then told me the others had gone to rescue this family's daughter from Sentinel Servises. I asked Andy why he hadn't gone with them and he simply said that he didn't feel like being "helpful today".  We then talked some more about how each other's powers worked. I found the whole story regarding Fenris really interesting. No one fully understood just how destructive it could be since Lauren refused to use it after they destroyed the Sentinel Services building where innocent people died. Lauren blamed herself for it even though the frost sissters had controled her mind. I wasn't sure if I trusted Andy. I'm not sure why but something about him just seemed wrong. He pulled a tennis ball out of his pocket and threw it at the wall and then when it bounced back he destroyed it. I watched as he pulled out another tennis ball. How many of those does he have in his pocket. I wondered. He threw the tennis ball once again at the wall yet instead it hovered in the air as I had absorbed the kinetic energy from when he threw the ball and had converted it to gravitational potential energy so that it would hover in mid air.

"Oh my God! That's so cool!" Andy exclaimed a look of awe on his face. I smiled at him as the last of the energy was consumed and the ball fell to the ground. Andy went to pick it up when the door burst open and in flooded John, Lauren,Clarise and two girls. Erc was close behind them. One of the girls was carrying the other. It soon became clear that one of the girls had been shot.

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