Chapter Fourteen: DESTROY

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Dawn's POV

Once again we approached the Mutant Homeland. It's tall skyscrapers towered above us, casting a shadow that seemed to block out all light. Some parts of the Mutant Homeland were said to never have any sunlight reach them and so mutants who preferred dark, night time settings liked there. I wondered how Erc was. We hadn't seen him since John tricked evary single one of us. I suspected he had stayed with John.

I glanced over at Andy and Lauren. Lauren was shaking. Honestly, I'm not surprised this area had so many negative connotations and negative experiences. Andy was stareing off into the distance, not really paying attention to the world around him.

We finally arrived at the gates, Esme had "persuaded" the guards that we had been invited by Reeva. The guards very happily let us inside. The plan was to slowly take over the Mutant Homeland by taking over their transport system and then their economy and finally their military.

We had decided to set up our 'base of operations' in the Northern part of the homeland. Our intel from Esme ment that there were less patroles in the Northern section. We found a quiet area and settled in. There wasn't much furniture but that was fine since we didn't really need furniture anyways. I set up my room by lying down some cushions and blankets where I will sleep. We all decided to sleep in the main room. Safety in Numbers. I layed out the map of the Mutant Homeland that we had created using whatever Esme could tell us. There were a few gaps. Andy and Clarise had volunteered to find the information we needed to complete the map. We needed the area that is supposed to be in complete darkness and the area of which Reeva hides in. It's very unlikely that we could gather the information on Reeva's area since it is the most heavily guarded area in the entire homeland. I decided it was best that no one leaves the house unless Clarise is with them and can therefore bail them out if things go sideways.

Andy and Lauren mainly kept to themselves. Chatting quietly so that no one else would hear. Clarise oftern didn't have much spare time since no one could leave if she didn't go too. We read through all of the ruels and laws in the homeland. There was no laws prohibiting you from using your powers. You just weren't alowed to cause anyone harm. I sat down next to the map and has a think about how we were to take controle of the transport. So far no ideas came to mind so I eventually have up and went to sit by the window. The rest of the day I spent sat infrount of the window evary now and then venturing to get some food or to re-read the map.

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