Chapter Fifteen: Controle

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Andy's POV

Me and Clarise were sent to try to gather as much information on the transport as we possibly could. Dawn wanted things like times trains and busses traveled to certain stations and where the best place to intercept a train would be. So far we had written a long list of train times and to which stations they go to. The times are from when they depart the busiest station in the centre of the Mutant Homeland.

The trains went from the entrance to the Northern West (where the base of operations is) and then the train goes to the Skyscrapers and then to the civilian point. We didn't find any evidence of trains that headed to either the darkness, the science reserve or Reeva's hidden area.

When we returned from the train station we found a rather angry Dawn. She couldn't find Lauren anywhere for a good 2 hours.

"Why does Lauren think the clear ruels don't apply to her! How dare she! What if something had happened?" Dawn continued shouting various phrases along these lines. She wasn't happy at all. Poor Lauren couldn't get a word in. The truth was Lauren had gone to find out more about the people here and what they could do and she took Esme with her so she can tell wether they would help them or not. They came to the conclusion that there would be quite a few mutants that would be willing to help them. We had figured that one train passed through the area each week to transport people to the next area. Now we had a time and place.

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