Chapter Nineteen: Andy's Help

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I felt really bad after hearing Dawn's speach. I feel like it was all and at me to be honest I've always been doubting her secretly in my mind. I wonder if Esme told her? I didn't want to feel how she did. I didn't want her to feel overwhelmed and I know she can do this she was made for this I guess; both of her parents two of the top leaders of the Mutant Underground who saved millions of lives. I decided it would be best if I went and spoke to her.

I tried to search for Dawn but she had gone with Clarise to try to disturb some more of the transport systems. I don't know what would happen if Reed showed up again. We know so little about him. We didn't know if his powers still worked or if he was just an illusion. I decided to go practice with Lauren. She was waiting for me since she's almost always practicing her powers now. She's terrified of Reed since she thought he died years ago. It shocked me when she even said that it might be worth practicing Fenris on small objects to ensure we have full controle of it.

We praticed Fenris for hours upon hours. I loved the fact that Lauren was becoming more confident in using Fenris. I hoped that eventually we would be able to use it very oftern and that it wouldn't be long until out next mission of which we wouldn't fail. The power that me and Lauren posses is incredible. Esme had told us more about her bond with her sisters and how they were much more powerful together than seperated. However, since their deaths Esme had noticed her own power had increased and so she wondered if her sissters actually held her back from being as strong as she could be.

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