Chapter Twenty-One: Help.

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I'm sorry that this took ages to write I wanted it to be perfect. The song really works with this chapter. Especially if u listen to it after or before reading.
Dawn's POV

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED!" I yelled out into the night sky. Reeva's voice still echoed in my head. They couldn't be gone. We needed them. I needed them. What work could me, Esme and Clarise do... I was praying they'd get back here safely otherwise I would be trapped here in the mutant homeland with no way to escape. I ran into the room with the maps inside overcome with anger and grief I tore all of the maps apart and set them on fire using the kenetic energy from my frantic movements.

I continued to destroy furniture and any other object in sight until I heard the familiar sound of Clarise and Esme collapsing through one of Clarise's portals. They were covered in blood and could hardly stand. I rushed over to support Clarise since she seemed the most in need of assistance. I helped her onto her chair. Thankfully I hadn't gotten round to destroying it yet. She looked ridiculously tired. I assumed it was from opening the portal from a good distance away. I was heading to the kitchen when Esme entered my mind. She gave me a report of what happened in the mission. She said that...
"Lauren and Andy had gone to destroy the transport system completely since there was no possible way to get controle of it when we were so outnumbered. Yet before they could use Fenris; Reed came and well we learnt the hard way that he could still use his mutant abilities."
She then sent me the memorie of what she saw. Reed arrived again on the same black chariot except this time it moved much faster and waisted no time. It almost crashed as it landed. Reed floated out of it and completely ignored Esme and Clarise and stared straight at Lauren and Andy. Pure hatred gleamed out of his red eyes. I couldn't believe it. He just disintegrated them! I cried out begging anyone who would listen to me that what I was seeing was fake. I couldn't loose him. Not now. I'd grown very close to Andy while staying in the Mutant Homeland and if I had a problem or something I just wanted to get of my chest I would usually go speak to him and he oftern came to me when he needed to talk. I wasn't as close to Lauren but I still cared for her. I heard Andy screaming as Reed disintegrated him. I wanted to cry but couldn't since I was still in Esme's memories. Once the murder was over Reed returned to the Charriot and left withought even looking at Esme and Clarise. Yet then Esme noticed that the floor was quickly disappearing beneath them so they ran and ran and ran. They were about to fall when Clarise worked her magic and got them out of there.

I fell back onto the floor. Breathless. I alowed those tears to fall. Once they started I couldn't stop. I cried and screamed and punched the floor. I could hear Esme and Clarise trying to call me but I couldn't listen to them. Andy and Lauren were gone. Dead. Dead. No breaths left their lungs for they were dead. They will sleep forever now that they are dead. Grief.... the feeling felt distant yet familiar. Like an old friend that you've lost touch with.

Esme's POV

I couldn't get into her head to help her. She was too deep in her grief. I knew Dawn was close to Andy but I didn't know that her grief would be as.... "violent" as it is. I decided that she just needed some time. I managed to pick her up. She was constantly fighting me the entire time. Clarise helped by creating a portal into the one safe room at the back of the appartment. It didn't have any windows and it could be locked from the outside. There was always the chance she could escape but we hoped that she would come to her sences before then. I had promised Lorna that I would protect her daughter and I hated to see her grieving so badly. We had decided that we were going go need help. Clarise really didn't like the idea but we have no choice.

We arrived at where Clarise believed we would find them. The same hide out we always used in emergencies. Clarise didn't think that they would have left their safe house. We didn't bother nocking on the door since Clarise could just portal us inside. We were greated with a nostalgic.. "Hello Blink. We have greatly missed you". I hadn't really known much about Erc but he seemed like a good guy. John was sat on the couch watching way looked like American football but I couldn't be sure. He stared at Clarise and once she noticed she quickly left the room. He had really hurt her when he went against the wishes of Lauren.
"They're dead." I choaked on my words as I forced them out of my mouth. "Lauren and Andy are gone" John didn't react at first but then he stirred and went over to Erc and they whispered something to each other but it was inaudible.

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