Chapter Seventeen: The Chariot

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Andy's POV

We quickly learnt that Reeva wasn't the one inside the charriot. It was Reed! John had told me and Lauren that they hadn't found the body's of any of those who went to the final assault on Reeva. He didn't look the same though. His eyes were red and swolen and he looked as though he hadn't eaten in months.
"Dad?" Lauren asked. I honestly thought she was crazy to think that this man infrount of us was our farther. As I expected we received no reply. Dawn didn't know what to do there wasn't enough energy anywhere for her to absorb. I began to panic. What could we have done. I noticed Laren was just as panicked as I was. We were both shaking and I was struggling to stand. Esme thankfully came to our aid. She had looked into Reed's mind and she couldn't see him at all. Reeva had found a way to completely controle him. He had no free mind. Not even Esme with her sisters could have ever done something like that..

Clarise then generated a portal and we all darted through. We didn't know what to do since dad wasn't attacking us but also wouldn't communicate with us.

Now I'm sat on my section of the floor in the BOO (base of operations) thinking. What if we could save Dad? Does that mean Mum is alive too? And Dawn's parents?? Their abilities would be so useful right now. I then spoke to Dawn. We chatted about how we thought Reeva could possibly be controlling Reed. The most obvious answer was a mutant. Although we didn't know what this mutant's powers were and what their limitations are.

Clarise had (in the process of keeping a look out) seen part of the darkness and she reckoned that she could get all of us there and back. Lauren had decided to opt out of this specific mission since she didn't want another encounter with Dad.

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