Chapter Eleven: The Split

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The media of this chapter is a picture of my 12 year old goldfish.

I had followed Clarise for a good portion of the night. When we finally reached an old looking building. It had bullet holes in the doors and a few windows were smashed. I heard crying from inside. She had brought me to Lauren and Andy.

I ran inside looking for them. Clarise stayed outside. I didn't pay attention to how the rooms looked but I raced up some stairs but there was a few steps missing. I found them in one of the study rooms. Lauren was collapsed on the floor crying her power was completely out of control. Andy was crying too; his eyes looked red and sore.

"Is she going to be okay??" I asked. I was so holding on hope that Lauren would recover from what was clearly a very traumatic event for her.

Andy shrugged and came over to me and with a quiet yet threatening voice commented "why are you here". At first his comment took me by surprise when I remembered it was my fault that all those people died.

"I realise how wrong I was to do that and I'm here to help and try to make amends for what I did and I know it may take a long time but I'm prepared to spend my whole life trying to help and support you and Lauren." I tried to sound as careing as possible. I think it worked as then Andy asked me if I could absorb her power like I did with Fenris. I wasn't sure if it would even work since Lauren's power wasn't very energy based like Andy's but I said I would have a go.

"Okay so the conclusion is..." I stated with disappointment.

"It clearly doesn't work" Andy was frowning. I understood why. The whole I can absorb Lauren's power thing didn't work at all. I couldn't even feel that it was an energy force. Lauren was still completely unresponsive to any attempts to help her. Knowing that I couldn't help I went to speak to Clarise. I had many questions for her.

Clarise was sat out on the doorstep. She had stopped crying now so I felt it was safe to ask why she had been crying.

"urmm. I didn't really think that John would do something like that. He's always been so kind and considerate and I'm afraid that I can't go back to him anymore. I think that I've lost him. Ever since he had thought I died he'd been acting weird. I'm thinking it's time to leave John behind and begin again. A new underground." She blurted it out so fast I could hardly tell what she was saying. I hope I didn't miss something really important. She seemed to be devastated about the fact she knew John had changed.

I went back into the room. Sat on the floor next to Lauren and fell asleep. I had alot to process and alot to think about. For instance how are we suppost to continue the underground withought John and what about my idea to attack the inner circle head on?

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