Chapter Twenty-Four: the beggining of the end.

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Dawn's POV.

It felt strange to know that my mum wasn't dead. I feel like I'm under-reacting but I'm honestly really shocked. I had dreamed of what it would have been like to meet her. I never actually thought I would though. She has always seemed a distant childish dream and I had given up on any hope I had of meeting her. I believed that she had gone to find Marcos. I couldn't be certain though do I didn't want to get my hopes up that I'd meet my dad too. We were all huddled in the kitchen trying to plan our next move. We wanted to save Esme and take out the Homeland at the same time. Because John was here we asked him to write all of the plans from now on. He agreed as long as someone will read them and check they are all ethically correct. We decided that Clarise would take me and Erg to rescue Esme while John would wait around just incase Lorna were to turn up.

The idea was that Esme was going to be transferred from the Mutant Homeland prision to the Sentinel Services courtrooms in a similar way (according to John's knowledge) that my mum was. However, last time they used Lauren and Andy to stop the transport vehicle and since I can create a similar effect with the energy pathways that I use when transferring energy from one store to another I volunteered to go. John as always loved to remind us that "it's not just the Sentinel Servises' guards you need to worry about but it's also the general public and Reeva with the inner circle and we want as little attention drawn as possible. We can't be on the Global News again."

By now it was around midnight. I couldn't tell the exact time though. And we had all decided to take turns sleeping as we didn't want to be ambushed as we are certain that Reeva knows where we are. It was strange being awake all by myself trying to be quiet but also keeping an eye on both the outside of the house but the sky too incase we were bombed. It was getting towards the end of my shift when a blinding light lit up the sky. Out of instinct I absorbed as much solar energy I could and prepared to release it as thermal energy. I heard screams and multiple explosions so I decided I should wake up the others just in case. Luckily no one felt drowsy and were all stood in a circle keeping our eyes glued to the sky. When we were surprised by the door nocking. I decided to go answer it. Erg said he should answere the door but I was already there. I opened it slightly to try to see who or what was outside. Sadly, I had no luck and so when I flung the door open I was overjoyed to see who I thought was Lorna and Marcos. My parents. I felt them pull me into a hudge group hug and for the fist time in forever I actually felt a sence if belonging and love and happiness. It was magical. John. Obviously John ruined the moment.

"So I hate to ruin the family reunion" (he was loving it) "but we still have a problem of Esme and Reeva and we kinda need to get this solved sooner rather than later. I'd rather loose fast than slowly."

Then for the first time ever I heard my mum talk. "Okay, John I know what we need to do I've been watching the news in the time I've been away. And to your apparent surprise I know how to save Esme and eliminate Reeva at the same time." She then went on to explain that she liked the idea that we had for rescuing Esme and said we should continue with that yet Marcos would be joining us. That would then give John and Lorna time to get into position outside Reeva's tower and they would wait there for Clarise to bring the rest of us. We would then stake out for the perfect time (8:33pm) as that was the time that the guards would be swapping shifts and there would be many gaps in the patroles since people are always late to work in these kind of jobs. Then we would all charge in together. Marcos would the second he sees Reeva, he would blind her so she can't see us. Then Erg and I would absorb as much of her scream as possible. It will probably be easier for me than Erg to absorb the energy as he can easily become overwhelmed yet I can have a constant stream of energy entering and exiting. And I'll use the energy on Reeva. Lorna will hold her in place by using the metal pipes in the walls. Then Esme will get into her head and look through evarything she's done and will report all that to us. She will then force Reeva to say that she relinquishes all her power to us and then John can kill her.

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