Chapter Twenty-Two

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Clarise's POV
It felt strange to be walking around this place. The walls told so many different stories. I remeber just after Reeva had murdered Andy and Lauren's parents we all sat in the smallest room huddled together like penguins. Each of us seemed to find some comfort in the scilence that was only been broken by Lauren's occasional sobs. 

When I had last seen John, he had been running into walls hoping that if he punished himself enough then we would all return home. I had told John that "nothing he could do to himself would change what happened" and that "we weren't ever going to return home unless we were desperate" I knew that John didn't deal with his own failure but I had no idea that he'd be that bad. Before I left I spoke to Erg about what he thought would happen to John and Erg said that there was "no way to be able to tell what would happen next"

Esme, John and Erg were now sat around the dining table. John had long, deep cuts all over him. I looked Erg questioningly. He gave me a look that said "you know what he's done and I'm sorry that I couldn't help". Esme began to explain the situation that we now found out ourselfs in and at John's request she showed him the same memory that she showed Dawn and many others. We then continued to talk amongst ourselves. Then John stood up and said "okay I'll help; whatever you need from me I'll help. I just.. just....." a single tear fell out of his eye and he managed to blurt out "I just feel so bad. Like Lauren died withought me apologising to her" although it sounded more like "ijustefeelsobadlkkelaurendiedwithoughtmeeeapologisingtoher" we were then interrupted by an explosion from outside. The entire wall caved inwards. Out of instinct I began to form a portal back into the Mutant homeland and to Dawn but I lost count of how many people had crawled through so I just hoped that evaryone had made it. Evarything was so chaotic with the dust and the rubble and the sound of sirens.

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