Chapter Twenty-Five

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Dawn's POV 

We were all stood in position. I was stood in the middle of the eerily quiet road. Marcos was hiding on the other side of the road and Erg was stood on the roof of the nearest building. The building was two stories tall and if needs be I can help Erg to land gently if he chooses to jump off. Clarise hadn't stayed long. She left to go help Lorna and John get into possition. Erg was the first to hear the truck arriving from the distance.. I couldn't yet feel any of the kinetic energy of the vehicle yet. Once it turned the corner however, I began to take in as much of the energy as possible. It didn't take long for the truck to come to s stop and that was when Marcos stepped in to blind the driver and any guards who were there. To help out I absorbed some of his solar energy and converted it to kinetic to move people around how they needed to be. Esme fell out of the back of the truck coughing. They had been choking her so that she wouldn't be able to call for help. That's when Erg got down from the roof with my support. And helped take Esme away and into a side street. Marcos finished with the guards and we ran to join them. I kindly asked Esme if she could contact Clarise and ask her to come get us. Thankfully Esme had enough energy to use her abilitie and soon enough Clarise was calling us to go through the portal.

We were on the other side of the compound to where Lorna and John were. The idea was that we surrounded the compound and charged inwards together as a sort of wall. Marcos, Esme, Erg and Clarise walked off and left me to go and get into their position. It was Esme's job to call out when we moved and when we were stationary. "Go"  and we were then moving inwards. I managed to cause chaos.
Lorna had informed me that there was suppost to be a prision under where I was where Andy and Lauren might be so I forced my way down. Marcos followed suit. I screamed for them. No reply. In my adrenaline filled panic I ran down the corridor of cells untill I looked into cell 342. "Marcos," I cried
"they're here."

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