Chapter Two: Presumed dead

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I can't believe that someone's actually read this. It's blown my mind a bit. So thanks so much for giving the story a chance it's ment the world to me.

"Well what are you waiting for?!" The girl with purple hair yelled to me. I got up and rushed towards her and dived through one of her famous portals. I landed flat on my face in what looked like an old derilic house. I looked up at the girl with purple hair. It was defornately Clarise. The power matched and the hair defornately matched. I was certain she had died with the rest of the underground though. The window on the second floor had been smashed and so the house was very cold. It had wooden floors and old fashioned wall paper that was torn in several places. I followed Clarise into what looked like the kitchen when my jaw dropped. Sat around the table was John, Erg and the Von Strucker siblings Andy and Lauren. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. First I see Clarise and now the others! They must have noticed my rather obviouse shock as John asked me to sit down at the rickety table. I was nervous. Very nervous. Once I had sat down the group began to explain what had happened.

Reed and Caitlin had died when Reeva attacked the Government and they along with my parents had failed to stop them. The others had managed to escape with help from Clarise. I learnt the group had chosen to hide in a very run down area so as to not attract too much attention. They concluded by saying they had been secretly transporting mutant children and their families to other countries where mutant laws weren't as strict.

Lauren who had been eerily quiet throughout the explaination asked "So what about you, tell us your story we weren't expecting to need to save you for another couple of years?"

This question cought me off guard and so there was an awquard pause while I thought of how I was going to explain evarything that happened. "Well you see. I can absorb energy and I'm not exactly sure how it happened but I was in 4th grade and I was waiting to be picked up from school and my foster parents were late and I began to panic. When she finally arrived I released all of that pent up energy and it aged me up by several years. I'm not sure exactly how many but I wouldn't be surprised if I was around Andy and Lauren's age.

I glanced around the room. John was deep in thought so was Erc and Clarise. I wasn't sure about the Von Struckers. Andy seemed glad yet also afraid and apprehensive. Lauren portrayed hardly any emotion at all. Clarise showed me to my room where I could rest. I lay down on the small single bed. And almost instantly fell asleep. It had been a very long day.

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