Chapter Six: The Mission

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Sorry it's been a while.  It's Dawn's POV.

I had been training now for about one week with Clarise. She had tought me to be able to hold and convert energy much more efficiently and just general improvements to my abilities. John had set a plan in place to try to bring the Inner Circle to it's knees but he said it would involve me being as powerful and as strong as I can possibly be. He told me that I was going to frighten Reeva with my shear strength that she has two options.
A) recruit me or
B) kill me.
John hopes she will choose A first and then realize that A won't work and then choose B. It's rather confusing but I know what I need to do and that's all that really matters to me. John had also spoken to Andy and Lauren about using Fenris again. Not to hurt anyone but to intimidate the Inner Circle. Lauren had said a firm NO. While Andy was overjoyed at the chance to strike at the organisation that ended his parents lives. After much persuasion Lauren agreed but only if no one would be hurt.

We were all sat round the slowly breaking table eating a lovely roast chicken dinner that Erc had cooked. He had proven time and time again that he was an excellent cook and from then onwards he was given the task of cooking food evary night. Once again Lauren kept out of convosations and Andy kept making things worse by talking about how he can't wait to use Fenris and how it is a good opportunity to see just how destructive it actually was. Eventually Lauren stormed off and went to her own room to eat. Andy and I spoke quite alot about how Mutant abilities worked and how they had their limitations and why we have these limits and why we can't be unstoppable.

I headed out to the truck wearing my makeshift field outfit (a wetsuit but withought the googles and the oxygen tanks. I sat in the back with Lauren and I tried to encourage her to talk to me for once but she still declined. Once we had arrived we stepped out of the truck to see the barrier that separated the two worlds. The mutant homeland looked so much prettier from afar than up close. My job was to absorb the electro staticc forces and convert them into kinetic energy to tear down the entire wall while Andy John and Lauren ran to the nearest tall building and disintegrated it. And then the final stage was that I had to absorb as much of any energy I could grab and transfer all of it into thermal energy so I would be able to set a bunch of the land on fire and I would be able to cause havoc.

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