Chapter Eight: Action Part Two

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Lauren's POV 

I had hardly slept last night. I was too busy thinking about what me and Andy were going to do today. The whole building had to be destroyed. I get that no one is supposed to get hurt but what if something goes wrong and we end up destroying more than just the one building. I treaded into the living room and tried to not wake anyone else when I found Dawn sleeping on the couch. I woke her up but she wasn't fully awake since she didn't know I was there. I guided her into her room so she could sleep in a comfortable bed rather than the ripped mouldy couch. I then headed into the basement and practiced using my power to block falling objects and protect people that aren't physically close to me.

Once I was satisfied that I had done enough practice, I went to get changed out of my PJs and into my makeshift mission clothes. They were made up of wetsuits and peices of scrap metal. I then ate my favourite breakfast of jam and ketchup sandwiches. I think they taste really good but not maby people seem to agree with me. Not long later John and Dawn and Andy had woken up and were getting prepared for the mission. Clarise was going to transport us and the truck there and back but she wouldn't be engaging in combat. I then chose to go and sit in the truck and waited for the others.

I didn't speak on the short ride to the Wall. I didn't want to speak to any of them. They had put me into this position that I hated ever so much. I looked at the 20ft wall that towered over us. I watched curiously as Dawn used the kinetic energy and gravitational potential stores to teardown the Wall. I know that Andy could have done this easily but John thought it would give us a better entrance. I felt sick knowing what I was about to do. I forced my legs into action and ran with Andy into the Mutant Homeland. We stopped at the building that we were expected to destroy. It was alot bigger than we.. I had anticipated. It looked about 40 floors high.

I felt Andy take hold of my hand. Complete excitement in his eyes. I reluctantly took his hand and it began. I felt my hair blow as if it was a very windy day yet there wasn't even a breeze to be felt. My eyesight went strange while it connected with Andy's. Then I felt the rush of power flow through me and finally our hands directed Fenris towards the building and it fired. But the building wasn't being destroyed the same way that the one in Atlanta had.

Dawn was standing some distance away. Coloured energy all around her. She was absorbing Fenris! I tried to shout but my voice refused to make itself known. I watched as Dawn converted the energy. I couldn't be sure witch sore because the colours were everywhere. I would gess and say that she was using all of them. I finally found my voice as I watched Dawn release Fenris except it was much more destructive than when me and Andy had previously used it. The whole block had gone. Disintegrated. All of those people... dead. I collapsed on the ground. I heard Andy yell. I couldn't quite make out exactly what he said but when I saw them all running towards the truck I got the idea I should run too. We got to the truck and I sat with Andy. Tears streaming down my face. Andy held me close while I cried. Had that been the plan all along or had Dawn just betrayed us?

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