Chapter Twenty-Three: Back In Action.

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Dawn's POV.

I had no idea how long I had been trapped in this room. I had no windows so it was impossible to tell but my conscience told me that it was night time. I was going to assume that I had been asleep for many hours. I had no idea where Clarise and Esme were so I began to worry. What if something has happened to them.. I decided to run around the small room and try to absorb the kinetic energy to allow me to try and escape.

The door was rather easy to break down. And I found a note on the table. Clarise and Esme were at JOHN"S HOUSE!!??? Why on Earth would they go there. He betrayed us. Betrayal is wrong. He doesn't disserve our time. Yet what could I do? They'd already gone.

I chose to switch on the radio and listen. I was hoping to not hear any bad news. We had brought the radio with us from the outside world so we could hear the goings on from the outside of the Mutant homeland. It wasn't very interesting untill a breaking news report came in.

"Devastating scenes of violence has been seen in a poverty filled area of the city tonight. Sentinel Servises officers were greeted with an explosion the strength of 4 nuclear bombs, several Mutant terrorists were spotted at the scene. There have been 18 reported casualties so far all of which were innocent civilians. It has been reported that the Sentinel Services have captured one of said suspects. Esme Frost. The last remaining sister from the quintuplest of whome have been involved with Mutant terrorists since the day they were cloaned. She awaits her day at court in the Mutant Homeland prision. Sentinel Servises are still on the look for other suspect terrorists. More news to follow."

Esme captured. Lauren and Andy dead. John, Erg, Clarise MIA. It's just me now. I chose to leave the radio on. I wanted to know more about what will happen to Esme. I then went to write down all the possible ways an explosion the strength of 4 nuclear bombs was possible. I had done really well at science in school and was exceptional at physics and chemistry. I deduced that the only possible ways were either a mutant with explosive abilities or the transfer of magnetic energy though to a nuclear energy store and I'm the only Mutant that can transfer energy like that or I'm the only one we know of.

I became disrupted once again by the sound of the radio.

" After some quick investigation the Sentinel Services can now confirm many roumors for us. The explosion is believed to be caused by a form of negative reaction of magnetic energy. There has only ever been two known Mutants that could create such energy Dawn Diaz and her mother Lorna Dane. Miss Dane has been dead for many years so the only probable suspect is her's and Marcos Diaz's (another mutant terrorist) daughter Dawn. The death toll is now 35 innocents and that number is expected to grow. Dawn hasn't been seen at the scene and has apparently been missing for 4 and a half months. Sentinel Servises officer Jace Turner said in an interview a few minutes ago that they won't "stop hunting down these criminals untill they are either dead or contained" stay safe on the streets tonight and if you can stay at home. The streets aren't safe. If you do need to leave your home for an emergency situation please follow the guidance from the Sentinel Services that is on their websight and ours."

A little while later just before I was about to go to sleep I heard a nocking at the door. I opened it and in fell John, Erg and a very exhausted Clarise. I helped them up off the floor and carried each of them into the house. "What the hell happened?" I asked. John was the first to speak after a stupidly long scilence. It was as if they were trying to not tell me something.

"Look .. Dawn urmm you know how you've though that Lorna was dead all those years... well she's very much alive. She warned us about the Sentinel Services. We wouldn't have escaped withought her causing the explosion. Esme was captured as she entered Lorna's mind to check she wasn't like Reed and she's completely fine. The last thing Esme shouted to me was that Lorna would join us soon but she had to find herself again." John didn't know what she meant by that but I had my suspicions.

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