Final Authors Note

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I hope that you have enjoyed this as much as I have enjoyed writing it. It's been about 4 months since I first began and I honestly can't believe that I've finished it. I nearly never finnish anything. I would really like to thank you for reading up to this point. I appreciate it more than I can put into words. It's almost like a form of euphoria that I get each time I see that someone has seem it or decided to leave me some feedback. No one talks about just how important feedback actually is. Other people can see things in different perspectives and can ultimately come up with better ideas and honestly if you think I should have done something differently let me know and if I agree then I'll work to change and alter the story.

Though we are at the end of this adventure. There are plenty more adventures that I believe that I could do a part 2 or at least some form of epilogue but I won't write it unless it would be something you want.

Thanks once again for giving me and the story a chance and though it certainly isn't perfect and it probably has several plot holes but over the days weeks months slowly I'll change it slightly and perhaps someday this would be perfect?


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