Chapter 9: John's Mistake

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I've never kept up to something like I have this I'm really proud of myself. Suggestions of how the story could procede are much appreciated I have a general idea but I'm not sure about some parts.

Andy's POV

We had just arrived back from the so called "mission" I was furious.
" Dawn ?! What the hell was that. That was not a part of the plan! Look what you have done to my sisster!"

Dawn seemed surprised at my anger and then I understood.

"Andy, It was a part of the plan John told me that you already knew?" Dawn surprisingly calmly replied. Now I was no longer mad at Dawn but at John. How dare he. He knew that this would cause Lauren alot of pain and distress. Why would he do that. I took Lauren to her room and asked Dawn to get Clarise. A moment later Clarise walked in and I said "We have to go. Me and Lauren I mean. She can't stay here and I can't let her go anywhere all alone look what John's so called 'plan' did to her."
Clarise didn't say anything but merely nodded understandingly. A moment later a portal was made and I took Lauren through. We arrived at a house. Clarise said it was the foster home she had taken many mutant children too. She said the Sentinel Servises had already raided the house and murdered people so they would be unlikely to return but incase they did check again there's several emergency buttons and of u press one then she will be alerted and she'll come find us. I was still rather concerned about the safeness of the place but I put my worries to the side for a moment and thought of Lauren. She needs this.

Quick POV change to Dawn's POV.

Andy had looked so angry at me. I was frightened. I really was. I didn't know that he hadn't known about the plan. As soon as we had got back John darted out of the car first and ran into the house as if his life depended on it. I understand why he did that now. I stormed into his room where he was sat at his little table where he wrote down his 'plans for missions'.


John looked surprised that I was this furious. It had taken alot of effort to ansorb Fenris. It was an energy like no other I had ever come across. After a rather tense moment of science John spoke, "I knew Lauren and Andy wouldn't agree with the plan so therefore.. I.. couldn't tell...t..them." it was a rather short speech of why he had put Lauren through so much suffering. He was sobbing. I didn't even feel sorry for him one bit. I slammed the door and absorbed the kinetic energy from it and well long story short I set the whole house ablaze. The flames shot up into the sky. It was beautiful. I didn't like the smell of the smoke though. I headed off to find Lauren and Andy. I had made my choice. If we were to succeed then we had to make tough choices. It's now a full blown War.

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