Chapter Five: Lauren's side

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This chapter is in the POV of Lauren. Thought this series I'm going to alternate between Lauren Dawn and Andy's perspectives.

Ever since Dawn arrived Andy's been acting really weird. He's not spoken to me in ages and he keeps creepily watching what Dawn is doing. I wonder if he's afraid of her and how much power she could have. But then after the frosts made us destroy the huge Sentinel Servises building Andy nagged me for about two weeks about using Fenris again. There is no way that I'll ever use Fenris unless it's to destroy the inner circle and even then as a last resort when all else has failed. Andy seemed eager to test it's destructive ability and if we could focus the energy so that a smaller area could be destroyed so for example instead of an entire building what about just one wall. The very thought of those people we killed sends a sence of self-hate through me. Andy had tried to dye his hair brown but ever since we first used Fenris in Atlanta, his hair had been slowly turning white.

Dawn had left with Clarise to train. So it was just Andy and me at the house since Amara and Ayodele had left with John and Erc to go to Mexico. Dawn had cried buckets when she was told Amara was leaving but they couldn't stay with us. We were the transport and tactical office and their powers weren't designed for combat. I went to speak to Andy. He looked miserable. I didn't say anything but waited for him to talk first. He said that he "doesn't feel like anything they are doing is actually making a difference. He thinks he could do more". I understand since we aren't fighting the Inner circle directly he feels like nothing will change. Things have to change eventually though right??

I headed down into the basement where we had set up a small tunnel that lead to our training facilities. We trained inside some of the Morlock tunnels. I found Clarise and Dawn practicing. Dawn was able to absorb and hold a significant amount of energy. She could defornately take out all of the electricity in a medium sized town but would only be able to hold onto that energy for a few minutes. I thought the way her powers looked was really pretty. Different types of energy had different colours. Kinetic energy was yellow/orange. Gravitational potential was transparent. Magnetic was green. Elastic potential was red. And the others I wasn't sure about as I hadn't seen her use them. Dawn found chemical energy the hardest so she rarely used it even though it was probably one of the most useful. Clarise was going to begin training her to use that after her first "mission"

This chapter was mostly a filler but something drastic will happen in the next chapter towards the end to set the rest of the events into action.

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