Chapter Eighteen: Dawn's Revelation.

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Dawn's POV.
I sat stareing off into the distance. There wasn't much to see really I just didn't want to have to face the others, they were looking to me for the answers. I found it difficult to try and be what they wanted me to be. They expected too much of me. I spotted cloud of rain in the sky, it never usually rained in the Mutant Homeland. I kept thinking about what we saw when we went to take over the transport why was Reed there? Could that mean my parents are alive too? There was so many questions and not enough answers it was impossible for me to figure out the answer to everything but that's what they expected me to do because that's my job now I guess. Reeva had now gained back control the transport that means it was a failed mission; the people of the underground will no longer trust me if I keep failing like this.

I went into the room that evaryone had gathered in and I spoke. I spoke evary thought I had kept locked inside.
" I don't know what you all expect me to do. I've never been prepared to lead in a role like this. In all honesty I haven't a clue what I'm doing. We are literally in the city of the damed but no one other than us really seems to care. I'm starting to think this is a lost hopeless cause." I then noticed that Andy didn't seem to be listening to I phrased the next part of my speach directly to him. " dearly beloved are you listening. Are we demented or am I disturbed this space that's inbetween insaine and insecure. I don't feel any shame, I won't apologize. When there ain't nowhere you can go, running away from pain when you've been victimized. I can't just let us fail these people. If u don't think anything of what we are doing then u can leave I'm sure Clarise could take you. I have come too far to just give up now. Even though this may be a lost cause I'm still going to continue. Some good must come from our struggle.

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