Chapter Ten: The Result.

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It's a bit of a shorter chapter I didn't feel like writing today cause Ive had a rough day. I'll try to make it up to you by writing 3 chapters for the weekend.
Still in Dawn's POV.

I had been walking now for 5 hours. I knew that Clarise had taken Lauren and Andy far away from the old house so that John couldn't easily find them but I was getting tired now and my feet were sore. It seemed as though I'd never find them. The sun was beginning to set on the horizon and I was about to call it quits and look again tomoro when I saw Clarise running towards me. She was clearly crying. I ran over shouting her name. She turned shock upon her face.

"What .. ar..e you doing *sniffles* here?"

"I came looking for you and Andy and Lauren." I stated.

She didn't reply but she simply just stated to walk in the opposite direction to which she came. I followed her. It's better to be with someone else than alone right?

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