Chapter Sixteen: Transport.

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I've found my passion for writing again and will probably write 2 more chapters this weekend and possibly another 2 on bank holiday Monday.
Dawn's POV

We asked Clarise to take us to the perfect place for us to intercept the train. We arrived and I don't think I will ever get over the feeling of nausea that I get when we go through one of her portals. We waited at the junction for the train. Andy and Lauren said they could stop the train like they stopped the truck to rescue Reed and Lorna from prison. I just hopped they could. There would be innocent people on that train.

We didn't hear the train. We didn't expect it's engine to be so silent yet Andy and Lauren had really quick reflexes and managed to bring the train to a steady stop. According to Esme they had 5 minutes to capture all of the guards and take complete controle of the train before the Inner Circle (Reeva) realized and the we would have to abandon the plan and possibly even the entire mission.

I went inside after absorbing some of the kinetic energy that the train was releasing as it came to a stop. I converted the energy to magnetic potential since I noticed there was a magnetic metal inside the walls of the train. I held the guards against the walls while Esme took controle of their minds. She didn't like controlling them but she understood how necessary it was. Andy then creeped down the rest of the isles and anyone who showed any sence of betrayal or even if they looked like they would ignore orders that they were given. In total I believe Andy murdered 17 of the 40 people on board. Lauren was horrified when she walked into one of Andy's executions. She screamed and yelled and cried. The only way to describe her was that she was hysterical. Esme and Clarise had taken to be the 'look outs'

We saw the hudge black chariot like thing that according to Esme was Reeva's personal war vessle. Despite Lauren's efforts to ask us to leave we stood our ground. We had to tell Reeva that we weren't just going to back away so easily. We didn't know if it actually was Reeva inside or if it was just one of the guard. Esme was too far away to tell who was with us. Andy asked me if it was worth destroying the chartiot right here right now. I replied "it might be worth a shot. If that really is Reeva I doubt she would alow us to just murder her"

Andy tried but as we suspected the Chartiot was protected somehow. Andy then asked about Fenris but I knew that would be wrong. Wrong to Lauren and wrong to the people on the train. We watched as it landed. In all honesty I was afraid. I was afraid of loosing the people around me. I had just found these people and I wasn't ready to give them up yet.

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