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Every morning, a redhead would sit on the roof of her house thinking about her parents, her sister, and brother in law. Elena walked into the redhead's room and shook her head as she walked to the window and looked out and up to see her. "Sabrina, Jenna has toast for you."

"Okay." She said as she slowly came down and climbed in.

"Thinking of mom and dad."

"Yeah." She said. "Miranda would know what to do with a pregnant teenager. Jenna is under a lot of stress because she has you two and then there is the little sister..."

"Everything is fine." Elena says as she hugged Sabrina. "You are brave and Jenna knows you can handle this stuff. Maybe today, you will meet the one."

Sabrina gave her niece a look like that says 'I don't think so.' After that night of someone taking advantage of her, Sabrina has been more caution when it comes to men. Walking into the kitchen, she tried to not laugh at her sister. "Jenna, your running late for your presentation."

"Crap.' She said as she hugged Sabrina. "Don't ever feel like you'll never find love or that your alone because you're not."

Sabrina smiled as she looked at Elena. Maybe they're right.
Sabrina sat in the backseat of Bonnie's car looking out the window. "Sabrina." The redhead looked at her friend. "Back in the car."


"Bonnie was telling us about her grams telling her she is psychic."


"Sabrina, I'm predicting that you will find an everlasting love who will love you and that sweet child."

Sabrina smiled till the car came to a stop. The redhead was shocked. She looked at her niece and friend. "Are you two alright?"

"Yeah." Bonnie said as she looked at Elena. "You will meet someone too."

Sabrina smiled as the were back on the road to school. The one place she wanted to be for awhile.
The redhead was near her locker when Caroline walked over. "Hi." She said hugging her. "Its good to see you."

"Yeah." Sabrina said as she leaned against her locker. "I want this year to be different."

Caroline smiled and hugged her. "It will be." She said as she decided to go see Elena. "I'm going to go check on Elena."

Sabrina sighed as she knows that Caroline tries to hard. She went to turn around when she saw a dirty blonde walking towards the office. He looked at her shocked by her beauty making her turn around blushing. Maybe this year will be different.
Sabrina sat in her normal seat when the door opened. She looked away from her notes to see the boy from earlier. The redhead quickly looked down as she doesn't know what to think about him.

Stefan sat across from her and looked at her. Sabrina turned and looked at him and smiled a little.

The feeling of her phone vibrating caught her attention and looked at it. HAWTE STARING AT YOU -B

Sabrina looked at the dirty blonde and smiled shyly. She faced the front as she continued to work on her notes.

Stefan noticed how the redhead was writing. She seemed shy, but he couldn't actually tell. He looked at his sister and saw her staring at Elena. Stefan was shook his head as he looked back at the redhead. He had to know her.

Sabrina looked at Stefan and smiled at him. She didn't want to, but she wanted to know him.
After school, Sabrina arrived at the cemetery and sighed as she looked at Miranda and Grayson's graves. "I still can't believe their gone." She mumbled.

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