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Sabrina walked through the halls humming a song she heard on her way to school. She didn't hear Elena or Bonnie. Not till Sabrina was at her locker when Bonnie walked over to her. "Sabrina, please be careful around Stefan." She heard.

"Is there something wrong?" Sabrina asked.

"Last night, he was looking for you and I told him to call you. I gave him your number and I touched his hand just like Helena." Bonnie replies.

"Okay?" Sabrina replies.

"I'm not saying don't date the guy though."

Sabrina smiled a little. "We're getting to know one another before we start dating."

Bonnie was shocked. "You mean..."

"We're taking it slow," Sabrina said. "He respects my decision and agreed that we would get to know one another before dating."

Stefan smiled as he heard her. Bonnie walked away leaving the redhead to smile at her friend's concerns. "Hey."

Sabrina turned and smiled. "Hi." She replies.

"Is everything alright?"

"She's just concern about mine and Elena's safety." She replies as they walked outside.

'Helena said that Elena invited us over for dinner so Bonnie could know us better."

Sabrina smiled as she thought about dinner. She could know Stefan a bit better and will decide if she wants to date him. "I think that a dinner sounds good." She tells him as they stopped. "That way, I have my answer about dating you."


"Yeah," Sabrina said. "That's if you want a knocked up girl."

Before Stefan could reply, he turned and quickly caught the ball. "Wow." She replies. "Nice catch."

"Thanks and back to what we were talking about." He said. "Sabrina, your not like everyone here. Your different plus you caught my eyes on my first day."

Sabrina blushed as she walked with Stefan back inside so they can continue school.
Cheerleading practice came and Sabrina was walking towards the parking lot when Stefan walked over to her. "Hey."

The redhead turned and smiled. "Helena talked you into it." She said.


Sabrina smiled as she walked over to him and kissed his cheek. "Good luck." She tells him.

Stefan smiled as he walked off, but looked back at Sabrina who sat on the bleachers to watch his tryout. The redhead smiled as she watched. She wondered how he was this good. "Hey."

Sabrina looked up and smiled at Elena. "Hey."

"I see he finally decided to try out," Elena says. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired." She said. "After this, I might take a nap."

Elena nodded as she saw Sabrina smiling at Stefan and wondered when they'll just start dating. He makes Sabrina smile and she's starting to accept the idea of being a mother. All Elena wants is for Sabrina to be happy.
Later that night, Sabrina could be seen sleeping on the couch when Bonnie and Elena walked in. The two stopped seeing Sabrina sound asleep. "Should we wake her up?"

"Not till Stefan gets here." Elena said.

Bonnie nodded as she followed Elena. Sabrina raised up to the smell of food and waked into the kitchen to see the food. "The food was calling my name."

Bonnie giggled as she handed Sabrina a plate. "You get to eat before anyone else."

Sabrina nodded, but screamed out as she saw her refection and ran off to fix her messy fiery red hair. Elena waked in with Helena and Stefan. "Where's Sabrina?"

"Fixing her hair."


Sabrina walked back downstairs to see Stefan and Helena. She walked over and took a seat. "Now I want to eat."
Sometime that night, Sabrina and Stefan sat outside as Damon and Caroline were inside with the others. "Can you tell me who Katherine is?" She asked.

"Katherine was an ex lover, but not to me, but more so Helena and Damon. She used me once, but she was more interested in Helena."

"Oh." She said. "Well I hope you know that I would never use you like that."

The two shared a look at one another as they leaned in when Helena walked out. "We're leaving." She said upset making Sabrina look at her.

"Helena, what ever has you upset, ignore it." She said. "Your anger will continue to build. Just try to think of something else."

"Thank you." Helena said as she walked away as Stefan got beside Sabrina.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

Game night was something that everyone was taking about. Sabrina never went to a game before, but she did for Stefan. "Hey." She heard and turned to see Stefan.


"I got you something."

Sabrina watched him pull a beautiful necklace out. "I love it." She said. "Thank you."

"Let me put it on."

Sabrina lifted her red hair as Stefan put the necklace on. He made sure to have crushed vervain inside so Sabrina will be safe. She turned around and hugged him. Helena and Elena walked over to them and smiled. "Stefan, the game is about to start."

Sabrina looked behind her to see her niece and Helena. Stefan kissed Sabrina's head as he went to the other football players. The redhead decided to see what they had for snacks.

Half way through the game and Sabrina was walking back to Elena with a bottle of water when she heard arguing. "Please don't be Jeremy." She mumbled as she walked closer to see Jeremy and Tyler. "That is enough."


"Jeremy, your drunk and you need to go home." Sabrina said as she looked at Tyler. "You stay the hell away from my nephew."

"Watch out!"

Sabrina turned to see Jeremy with a broken bottle and grabbed it causing her to hiss in pain. "Shit."

"Sabrina, I'm so sorry."

"I'm fine." She said getting sick. "Just go home. Please.'

Stefan got to Sabrina's side and helped her. "You need to go home yourself." He said as he looked at her hand. "Its not deep, but it needs to be bandaged up."

After the game ended due to Mr. Tanner's death, Stefan arrived with Helena to check on Sabrina and Elena. Sabrina sat on her bed looking out the window when Stefan walked in. "Hey."

She looked and smiled. "What brings you by?"

"Came to check on you."

"I'm fine." She tells him as she hugged him.

Stefan held her as they stood in her room. No word was said as they stayed in one another's arms. Sabrina was ready to be with Stefan.

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