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Stefan held the redhead's hair as she threw up. Helena and Elena looked at the couple as Sabrina raised back up and rested her head on Stefan's chest. "I hate this." She tells him. "Why me?"

"It's going to be okay." Stefan tells her. "The twins are almost here and you won't have to worry about morning sickness anymore."

Sabrina smiled at that as she's been wanting to go morning sickness free for a long time now. She felt the twins moving around causing her to smile as she looked up at Stefan. He kissed her head as he guided her to the desk as Damon walked in. "Sorry I'm late, my dog..." seeing the looks on the others face meant he needed to shut up. "Why are we here?"

"Isobel is back."

The redhead didn't say much as she knew the more she stressed, the sooner the twins will be born and she couldn't have that. She wanted them to be healthy. Stefan started rubbing her shoulders as they listened. When Elena said that Isobel was here for her, Sabrina looked at her. "Elena, are you sure you want to actually see her?" She asked. "Isobel may not be the same woman that Alaric knew back then."

"She's not."

"But she needs to see me and..." Elena took a deep breath in. "I need to know who my father is."

Sabrina looked at Stefan. "Am I the only one with this feeling that it's John?" She whispered.

"Yeah. Till Isobel tells her, you will know."

Sabrina nodded as she watched them leave. She stood up and gasped as she felt pain. "Whoa."

Damon appeared by the redhead's side as Stefan held her up. "What's wrong with the twins?"


"Baby, let's go to the hospital and make sure."

Sabrina nodded as Stefan picked her up. Alaric watched Damon open the doors and left with them. He was shocked. Sabrina changed Damon into a caring person, but how.
The next day, Sabrina sat watching Stefan play pool with Helena as they waited for Isobel. The redhead felt a tap on her shoulder and saw Bonnie. "Why are you here?"

"You and I need to talk."

"I thought you were mad..."

"Just Elena, Helena and Damon. You and Stefan, no." She says. "Can we talk?"

Sabrina nodded as she went over to Stefan. Bonnie watched Stefan kiss Sabrina before she walked back over to her. The witch didn't want her friend in any danger as she knows what Isobel wants with that device.
Later that day, Isobel looked at Stefan as they sat in the babies room. "Bonnie knows that device is used to kill the supernatural." She tells him. "She promised me that she would deactivate it, but I don't trust her. She's already hating Helena and Damon as it is."

Stefan kissed her head. "I don't trust her knowing that she's blame them for her grams death." He says.

"Stefan, can we leave town for a few days. I don't want that device, if Bonnie didn't deactivate it, I don't want you been noticed that you aren't human." She says with a tear falling down causing Stefan to wipe her tears. "I love you, Stefan and I don't know what to do if you died."

"You won't lose me, Sabrina." He says kissing her. "I love you, baby and the twins."

Sabrina made up her mind. "If I die delivering the twins or if somehow something kills me, make sure that you have your blood in my system." She confesses. "I can't leave you behind."

"I'll make sure, Sabrina."

Sabrina and Stefan looked at the twins room in the Salvatore house. The redhead laid her head against Stefan's shoulder as he held her. They were at peace and future plans were planned. The only thing the two have to do is figure out what's going to happen next.

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