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"How will Elena handle the news?" She asked.

"I don't know." Stefan replies.

Sabrina had this feeling that Elena would be terrified. The two heard a phone ringing causing Sabrina answer it. "Hello?" She said. "Elena, calm down." Sabrina listened and sighed as she hung up. "She's scared and Helena is probably hurt."

"I'll go deal with my sister and you deal with your niece."

Sabrina nodded as they both went their separate ways to help a family member. The redhead wasn't scared of Stefan nor his siblings, well Damon a little, but she understood what Elena was feeling. How could vampires be real? You hear stories of them, movies, shows, etc,. Knowing their real makes you look at the world differently. Sabrina thought as she knew this was going to be hard on not just her, but Helena.
"Elena, please let them explain." Sabrina says as she followed her niece. "I promise you they would never hurt us."

"Sabrina, their vampires. How is that even possible?"

"No one knows, but please let Helena explain." Sabrina says. "That girl really wants you to accept her and yet your scared. I know it will take some time, but I know you'll see the real Helena. The Helena Salvatore that you fell for. Just because she's a vampire doesn't mean she's not the same girl that you have gotten to know."

"You accepted 

"Of course I did." She says. "Why wouldn't I? I saw Stefan as the same guy that I met and got to know."

"You barley know him still."

"I know that, but I can't just up and say no. I want to know Stefan more and that's what makes a relationship if you actually take the time to know them better."

Elena didn't say a word as Sabrina went upstairs to sleep. Her aunt's words replaying through her head.
The next day, Sabrina smiled as she walked over to Stefan. "You came." He said.

"I'm here to listen to your story. That's if you want to talk about it." She says.

Stefan smiled as he started explaining. From the moment he met Katherine to the moment he turned. Sabrina knew he left somethings out and knew to give him time. "Stefan, its not your fault for what happened." She said. "Just know that I'm not scared of you and would like to know more."

Stefan smiled as they went back to her house.
Sabrina and Stefan walked in to see Vicki. "What's going on?" Sabrina asked.

"Vicki is in transition." Helena tells them.


"Damon turned her." Elena tells her.

Sabrina went to say something, but was cut off by Stefan. "Right now, she doesn't remember anything. A part of her is still human, but slowly, the deeper she gets into the transition, the memories will start to come back, and then she'll know she has to make the choice." He tells them.

"Oh." Sabrina says as they heard Matt calling for Vicki. "Go help them and thanks for answering a question you somehow knew I was going to ask what could happen."

"I guess I knew the question was coming."
Sabrina sat waiting for Stefan and Helena. "Do you think..."

"She fed. Yeah." Sabrina says.

Stefan looked at Sabrina and nodded proving she was right. She walked over to Stefan as Elena spoke to Helena. "We didn't get to stop her in time."

"At least Matt isn't losing a sister." She said. "Are you going to stay?"

"Yes I am." Sabrina saw Helena leave hurting. "Give her time and she will take Helena back in a heartbeat."

Stefan nodded as he kissed her head and left. Sabrina sighed as she knew that Elena was going to be stubborn till she is given a reason why she shouldn't be afraid of Helena. How can she be proven that she shouldn't be afraid of Helena.

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